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What's the worst thing you've ever done? to a quilt?

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A couple of months after I started my business I had a stack & whack quilt (the one with the bulky seams) and my machine jammed on one of the seams, broke the needle and tore the quilt. The hole wasn't very large but it did go through all 3 layers. I was able to repair it so it wasn't noticable on the front but the back was a solid color backing and if you knew it was there you could find it. I dreaded making the phone call but the customer was very understanding and insisted on paying full price anyways.

She has since brought me at least a half of dozen more quilts and has referred me to at least 10 other of my repeat customers.

Mistakes happen, learn from them, be open & honest with the customer and discount the quilt that you messed up. Most of the time the customer won't hold it against you.


PS mistakes happen to every longarmer at some point.

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Quilted a flower head pin into a customers quilt, didn't realize it. Customer came to pick up her quilt, I opened it up so she could see the beauty of it. Loved it, folded it and rammed that pin right into my thumb and well I usually do not swear especailly in front of customers but when that pin sunk a good 3/4 inches into my thumb "poop" just wasn't going to do. Thankfully flower head pins are easy to break up and wiggle out of a small opening. Unfortunately she hasn't brought back another quilt but does buy fabric at my quilt shop.

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I forgot about this nightmare (maybe for good reason!)

I finished a cute little baby quilt and as I was taking it off I noticed the self-threading needle was gone from the pin cushion I had pinned to my shirt.

No way I could return the quilt without finding that needle! Yikes! I sat down for three hours and carefully folded each square inch of that (thankfully) small top to try to find the needle.

No luck but still I couldn't be sure it wasn't in the quilt somewhere.

The next morning I was on the floor with a flashlight for an hour before I found the needle. Needless to say, the needle has a different home now.

It still gives me the shivers!

Linda R

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Yup, I am another needle down ripper. I've done it more than once though usually I do it just off the quilt top. Yes yes, I know I should learn, but somehow I don't. I also second the no seam rippers rule. I have some snipps with a hooked blade, and I haven't cut a top sice I started using them. They are really great. I can tell the people I have taught machine quilting arround here, they are the only ones using these snips.

Life does go on after these mistakes, but it sure as heck doesn't feel like it is going to.


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I sewed the hopping foot to the quilt. It was an antique quilt with a little hole that I didn't see. I was doing a pantograph and didn't look up until the machine wouldn't move. By then the foot was in the hole and under the top and sewn right to the quilt. (Much harder to frog than just quilt and thread)

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Cuke, you're crackin' me up here, LOL! But no fair! Now you just HAVE to tell us what the worst thing is you've ever done to a quilt. C'mon... GIVE!!

Actually, folks, I think the worst thing I've ever done to a quilt is try and machine quilt it! LOL!! :D:D:D

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No, sorry, I'm just not going there! :D no ultra confessions of quilting idiocy today.

But, back to being blonde (part-time anyway).

We were in Hawaii before our wedding and my dear husband-to-be picked me up from having my hair done. As we were walking out to the car I tripped and fell over a speed bump! No kidding, I really did, and totally whacked up my knee. Blood everywhere so we had to go back inside to get it cleaned up. Ralph tells them like this what happened, "She's only been blonde for five minutes and already she can't walk!"

And to think I still married him! :P

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LOLOLOLOLLLL!!!! Sorry, but you are so funny!!! It must have hurt like heck, though, huh? And you still married him? Well, a guy who can make you laugh is priceless. I married one of those. He's certainly priceless......... b-dum CHA!!

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PRICELESS?? My husband says I can never resist anything half off - that's why I chose him!

Hearing about others mistakes, makes me think "Oh, I have done that" or "I will have to remember NOT to do that" (as in advancing w/ needle down as I often do to line up my next row when I use panto".

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