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Jen Update

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Mary Beth, many prayers wrap around your Jen and Haily, and YOU. Prayers without ceasing. I believe your Jen will be fine, and Haily too, and you are doing exactly the right thing to keep YOU fine through this.

I knew a gal back when my first was born that had a premie, born at about 6 months. She was a fighter, they said, because at 1.6 pounds or something she would push herself to the top of the isolette, just like a full term baby does. She had all the help she could get, and had to stay in the hospital for a very long time before she could come home. But she was a spit-fire, that one, when she finally got out and started growing up. I think Haily is a fighter too, and will do fine. It's simply amazing what doctors can do now with all the modern tricks of their trade. And God is holding you all fast in His arms, as Bekah said.

Come and spill the beans any time of day or night you like. As you know, we're all here for you and Jen and family. I believe everything will turn out fine in the end.

Now get some sleep! ;)

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That is GREAT news Mary Beth!! It sure wouldn't hurt for Jen to be on bed

rest....at least for a while. Maybe then things would slow down and Haily

wouldn't be in such a big dang hurry to enter this crazy world. My prayers

are with you all and you get some rest too, sounds like you need it just as

bad as Jen.......;)


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Mary Beth,

I was just thinking of Jen & her baby yesterday. I was at the dentist all day and working on a new baby blanket when I decided it would have to go to Jen's baby girl. I hope they are both doing well and let her know Jessica and I think of her often.

BTW...Tommy D. got a clean bill of health today, the docs in KC say there is 'nothing' wrong with him, all excess fluid is gone. Jessica & Tommy made them run an ultrasound any way just to make sure. The baby now weighs 10 lbs. 2 oz. at 4 weeks. Thanks to all the great quilters' prayers on this site our family is doing good...and we in turn are still praying for Jenn and her family. God bless every one of you.

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Praise the Lord!! April I know you all are so relieved. That is the best news I've heard in a long time...I'm gonna call Jen and let her know.

April, you are just too nice. Your DSIL said that you were "unique" - I asked him if that was in a good way or a bad way ;) he said, "Oh no, in a very good way." That is a lot coming from a SIL.

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Mary Beth,

My thoughts and prayers are with you three girls. My daughter gave birth to our first grand child-daughter in January. She had a few complications, but they both made it through. Something where you make to much bile and it gets into the blood stream. We know what worry is, just don't make yourself sick, Jen and your granddaughter need you. Losts of Hugs and prayers to you, Be strong.

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April that is wonderful news! I'm so glad Jessica and Tommy are doing so well and it sounds like he is getting to be a big boy. I love the "chubby"

legs:D they are sooooo cute and love to make them giggle and laugh when you just squeeze them. OH..:P:P:Plisten to me..........I'm getting carried away thinking about my own grandkids. They used to be that size..but they grew up to fast. Tell Jessica I'm sooooo happy for her and Tommy and I will say a prayer that things keep going so well.


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April, giving thanks for baby Tommy's clean bill of health and releaved parents' minds, and yours! Also, I'd sure like to know what you do that can make your DSIL say you're "unique" in such a positive way. I'm taking MIL lessons, now that my DD has her first BF. Oh dear, this sounds like a nerd session.... :P

Oh! and almost forgot to remind Mary Beth that Jen is in my prayers still and always. Hang in there, Mary Beth! Did you see Phyllis's post about her grandbaby? Yup. They come out ok even premie nowadays, praise God! Blessings en-wrap you all. :)

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Congratulations Phyllis. Great news April about Tommy D. not having fluid. These positive stories sure are encouraging. With all of the support for Jen, it would seem that her baby girl is going to follow with another good outcome. Prayers really do help. That's great that the collaborative quilt means so much to your family Mary Beth because it is packed with well wishes and prayers from all of us. You quilters with grandchildren are so lucky. Maybe I'll get one of those cute bundles one day. Even if there is struggle, it is so worth it. Someone ought to write a book on baby humor to help pregnant women laugh because I'm sure that babies in the womb really enjoy the jiggling. Mine sure danced to the typewriter.

Love and hugs, Vicki

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Mary Beth, I'm a retired obstetrical nurse, with 28 years in maternity, mostly labor & delivery. If you have any technical questions concerning you're daughter, grandchild, or medical treatment, please write. I would love to do any thing I can to make this time easier & less stressful. Best wishes, Robin W


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Hang in there Mary Beth, I will say more prayers for you and Jen and that

itty-bitty baby!

Hard to read some of these - the old feelings of "been there - done that!"

come back full force like it was only last month!

I was on bed rest for 3 months - laying on the left side as much as possible

(sucks!) before my little one was born 4 weeks early after I was induced

for almost 3 days. Yes, I was going to the hospital so often for stress tests

twice a week, also and ultra sound every week..... what bed rest?!??! Plus

taking care of a 3 year old. We watched many movies, played Barbies and

horses while I layed on the couch.....that was pretty dull summer for her!

Glad to say it all worked out! Our little one is almost 7 years old and is

growing about an inch a month! Such a healty little beast now that her

tonsils and adnoids were removed..... she used to gag all the time. She

only had to stay in the hospital for a week under the "billy rubin" sp? light

thingy. We brought her home at 3 lbs. 11 oz.

The worst part for me was if she couldn't breath on her own they would've

air lifted her to a NIC unit at a different hospital, but my pre-eclampisia was

so bad they had to deliver now. Hard to stay calm and not worry.... but she

does need to just relax. Trust in God and the good Doctors to take care of

her and baby. You too.... stay strong for her, a loving mother would have

been such a blessing to have around at that time!! Keep us posted.....

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It is always good to hear success stories, just can't get too many.

Jen's doctor seems to be one of the best. She started out not wanting a man doctor, but now she wouldn't trade him for anything. He actually acts like he cares about what she is going through. He has scheduled her for every 2 weeks now instead of once a month. But since this last episode of labor pains, he has her coming once a week for sonograms to monitor Hailey's progress - making sure there is adequate fluid; baby is moving fingers and toes; and that she is turned the right way - which she is. I am so glad that they are keeping close watch on her.

Jen seems to be doing pretty well this week. Thank you all for your continued prayers, it means so much to us all.

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