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surprise solution for batting pokies

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I am working on a quilt that has horrible bearding, every stitch. I tried a smaller needle, turned the batting over, sewed slower then tried faster,all with horrible results. It was so bad I was considering taking it back to the customer and telling her I couldn't do it. Then I saw my can of spray starch on the ironing board and thought, hey, maybe a coating of starch would make a difference. Wow! It worked! Just spray a coat on the batting back and then let dry. Put spray starch down towards the back and presto, no pokies.

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Bonnie the quiet Miracle Worker - Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy - cuz yesterday I used her tricks to take care of a really awful quilt.

This thing had fullness and standup puffs and borders that waved the Nation Anthem. Using her spray and steam method I was able to beat it into submission and surprisingly it looks darn good now that it is finished. The worst thing about it? IT WAS MY OWN QUILT!!!!

Slinking back into my hideyhole in shame now...............

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Ok mom, I taught you how to quilt on my LA, now your slinking back to your hideyhole, not a chance sister, I have a pic of your latest quilt. Of course I won't dare post it without your permission, or will I?

I may need the photos to prove I didn't make this one, however..... Ladies and Gents, I don't think you'll be hearing "The Star Spangled Banner", you might hear Taps for this one.... She threatened to donate it to a charity in my name! Yes, she would sink that low, I have already lost her to the dark side, the force is strong with this old padawan.

I know where your machine is and remember I have sabotage skills, via the good side of The Force, beware. Remember the Death Star!!!

No padawan of mine will hang her head in shame, beating up poor defenseless quilts, no matter what side of The Force you slip to.

Admit your shame, you made the mess so stand tall and proud, but keep the damn quilt moving will ya?

And Bonnie my other padawan, why was I not informed of your "tricks"? Most interesting, are you slipping to the dark side also? Spray startch and steam,? what about sizing?

I hope it's not to late. Is there hope?

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Thanks for the great start to the day Michaelalan! Sitting here giggling over my coffee, waking the neighbors with loud gawfs of laughter! This so sounds like my family. I don't like peicing and when I've deluded myself into thinking I'd like to do some I find myself calling my mother adn leaving her voicemails, "help me Obiwan, you're my only hope!". That's ok, when I'm mad I quote The Godfather....my sisters understand every word!

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Also ROFLMAO....Okay you two...go to your corners...I'm to far away to ref. Beside Jeannette, Michael can just reach over my head to get to you anyways so I wouldn't be much good even if I did get between ya. And Michael, we both love ya, so don't be playing no "Taps". Beisde honestly if you had thought of it first ya would have donated the quilt in her name, so from where I'm sitting I figure it a mexican standoff...

Michael, I'm sorry, I blew it....when we do get together we have so much to cram into a couple hours that there is just to much that doesn't get said.

As far as the "Silver Fish" problem that can happen when using "Spray Starch"....you MUST wash the quilt after the binding is on...the problem is solved.

Sizing doesn't give the same results, but it does do a little if you only have a little wave it will take it out....HUGE tucks or "D" cups, you need the heavy spray starch.

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Sigh, where did I go wrong? Ungrateful child!!! Of course tho, youth has no chance against age and experience when it comes to being devious. Now to decide which charity is going to get "Mikes" quilt, LOL. Pic of the offender is attached, hope it shows up. Actually Bonnies trick worked pretty darned well.


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