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Business Name

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Great suggestions! I love "By Joy it\'s Quilted!" I wanted to be "Stitch _itch" because my sister the fishing guide is "Fish _itch." She came by her title because she out fished and out guided the male guides. Thought is was going along with the family...;)

Well, I ended up with "Creative Quilting" because I didn\'t think the little ladies would see the humor in the other name. Merry Jo didn\'t seem to fit with anything. I\'ve never gone by just Merry so that was out. Good luck! I think it\'s great if you can use your name.

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It\'s the absolutely perfect choice, and kudos to the clever woman who suggested it, and how lucky for you to have a name that so many clever things can be done with! (yes, I know, I ended a sentence with a preposition.)

Now, so that no one can ever steal it - - check into registering it with (as?) a "service mark". It\'s like a trademark/copyright for your business name and then no one else (in the U.S.) can ever use it.

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Good Evening Satu,

It costs nothing to register a business name and get an ABN or a Business Number - you can do it over the internet. If you sign on to https://abr.gov.au and follow the prompts it will get you through the system quite painlessly. You will need to have your Taxfile Number handy.

As I intend to start slow, I am a Sole Trader with a Business name only. Once the mega bucks start rolling in :P, I can then change the structure of the business. This you will need to discuss with a good Tax Agent. If you don\'t have one, now is the time to ask around and make an appointment to get advise on what kind of business to set up - Sole Trader, Company, family trust etc

What you have to find out is whether you have to be registered with the Office of Fair Trading in your state as well. Being in QLD I will have to and this will cost. I haven\'t bothered as yet, as I am still in the process of getting my act together and I am not dealing with the public just yet. You can register for different time spans, like you do with your Driver\'s Licence ie 1 year, 3 years etc.

The Tax Office website has some really good information for those that want to start a small business. They also have the link to the Australian Business Register. The tax office also runs free seminars dealing with starting up a new business, GST etc. which seem really worthwhile attending.

Hope this helps.


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It is very early in the morning here....I think I will need another cup of coffee for that one ;)

To register your business name would depend on where you live I would think. I had to register with the state of Missouri. If my memory is correct and I am sure it is not, it was less than $10.00. Then there is license and fees, etc...they get ya eventually.

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Hi Satu

It cost me $77.10 to register my business name and the abn number was free. But if you want you can have your whole name Satu ??????? Quilting and it wont cost anything as long as your full name is in it.

Queensland must be a bit different

Hope that helps

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