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Jen Update

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To all of the APQS "Aunts"

Finally!! Oh, no, the baby isn\'t here yet. However, she just left the doctor\'s office and he told her he will begin to induce on Wednesday, October 31 - there I don\'t have to buy candy!! They think the baby will be here on November 1st. Has this been the longest pregnancy ya\'all have ever seen??

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Make her wait until the 2nd...my birthday...great day to have a birthday...oh by the way don\'t tell her I said that cause she\'ll want to hurt me! LOL I was due the first week in Oct. and my mom didn\'t ever think I would arrive. I did just about a month late. She got her wish because my first born was also 3 1/2 weeks late! Good luck and we can\'t wait for pics!


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Mary Beth, she might be induced on Oct 31 and have the kid the next day, but there is a good chance you could have a Halloweenie baby (same day as induction!)

My sister was induced the morning of Nov 20 2001,that afternoon when I was visiting, the nurses checked her and said she would definitely have Veaya on Nov 21, but as soon as the nurse left the room, her water broke and so she pressed the call button for the nurse to return. Well, 20 minutes later, the nurse came back and checked her and she was 10 cm and within a matter of two minutes, the room was abuzz with doctors and nurses prepping her to push. No drugs (no time to get the epidural) she had little Veaya about 30 minutes later (about 6:30 PM). It was absolutely amazing. I stood there right at her side and watched the whole thing.

Here is hoping Haylee is a Halloween kiddo. ;)

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A Halloween Baby!!! YIPPPEEE!!! I guess I sent the package just in time.....that was close. Sounds like everything is ready for her and I know we I can\'t wait to see the pics.......geeeeezzzzzzzzzz I want to hold a baby again.;) Hope Jen is feeling better and to hang in there just a little longer. I am keeping you all in my prayers.


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Oh, I\'m so excited. What fun, a Halloween baby (maybe). But whenever this little girl is born, it will be wonderful. Keep us "aunties" updated.

Heidi-I can relate. My last child (#5) was 19 days late. My water broke, I went to the hospital and somehow he had turned around and was sitting like a little Budda looking out. Since he was way out of position, I had an emergency C-section...and then had my tubes tied!

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Oh Mary Beth,

I\'ve been thinking so much of you and Jen and wondering when Miss Hayley would arrive. Can\'t wait to "meet" her. I know that Jen wants her sooner rather than later, but how would it be to have a Halloween b-day? I was thinking of that on the way home, and still can\'t decide it it\'s good or bad.

We\'ll be praying for you.


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Since he was my first I was really freaked out when I got pregnant when he was only 5 months old! He was a fertility baby so I was very shocked that I was pregnant again. I was thrilled to have a planned c-section. Thanks to a little planning (well ok we planned to have 2 just not so close)my children are exactly 14 months apart...she was to be delivered 2 days after his 14 month b-day but I convinced the doctor that he owed me a couple of days! I wouldn\'t trade either of them though!


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Mine was induced at 8am and I had her at 3:02pm. She was a week late, I\'d had no signs of contractions, nothing. Dr just told me "If you don\'t have it tonight I\'ll see you at the hospital in the morning and we\'ll induce.". That was the most information I\'d had the entire pregnancy! Happy dancing for Jen\'s Hallee, she\'ll be with us soon!

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Mary Beth,

I\'m so glad you updated us. I\'ve been thinking about Jen and wondering how things are going. She will certainly be in my prayers this week.

You are going to love being a grandmother. It is so different from being a parent. There is nothing like holding that sweet baby in your arms. When my children were babies I felt like I still had to keep up with all the housework and cook gourmet meals and have perfect children. I didn\'t enjoy them like I do my grandchildren.

My first baby was a week late, the second was two weeks late, and the third was three weeks late. I was sure that my babies would come a week or two early. After all, I detest being late for anything. I was so antsy with the first two because I was late. With the third one I told everyone that I was due on the July 4th, but that I wasn\'t going to deliver the baby until July 21st. I got some really strange looks from people when I told them that, but it made it easier on me. I didn\'t start getting antsy until the 21st and she was born on the 24th.

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I have three other grandchildren, so I am not new at this. The oldest one will be 11 in January, so that makes me about 30ish ;) This one has just been through a lot and she lives close by so she is in "the news" a lot more than the other three....of course they are children raised by children, so I think they will be in the news eventually :D.

Jen is still going through the "sick" part and probably will right up until delivery. She just doesn\'t do the throwing up thing 30 times a day now, it is only a couple of times a day. I will really be glad when this is over for her.

She is so funny. She called me 3 weeks ago on her way to the doctor and said that she was really tired of all this and be ready because she was going to ask the doctor to induce her that day:P I said "Uh, yeah, okay, I\'ll be ready." Had to laugh when I hung up the phone. She called back about an hour later and said that he didn\'t go for it. I reminded her that a lot of women have gone through this pregnancy thing and a lot of them were sick of it by this time. That doesn\'t mean the doctor will induce just cause you want them to. She is just tired of being so sick the entire time, and I can\'t blame her for that. It\'s finally almost over.

Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers.

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Hi Mary Beth

I\'m glad that Jen\'s time is getting close. And hopefully & prayerfully, everything will go as planned with no complications. I have 6 grandchildren with one more waiting in China to come into our family hopefully within the next year. With each one of them, we have been excited for their arrival and I know that we are truely blessed with each grandchild we have. This little Hayley will be the same for you. Enjoy her as much as you can. All our GK\'s are at least a 6 hr drive away, so we don\'t get to see them as often as I would like. :( Jen is still in our prayers.

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:( I was hoping that the baby would be born on her original due date Nov. 5 (my B-day :) )

Oh well, it will be nice to have the pregnancy come to an end and a healthy happy baby for Jen and you to hold no matter what day she wil call her Birthday :)

I too will keep Jen and baby Haily (right?) in my prayers this week. Hopefully she will have a quick and easy delivery with no complications.

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