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My first Private Training Class

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Rencently a New longarmer came to my neighborhood. She contacted me and asked for some private lessons. She has a Green Milli and soon will have CQ to go with.

I will be doing my first time private session with her today. I\'m kinda nervous. I don\'t want to let her down.

Although it will be moslyt beginner kinda stuff I have lots of neat tips and tricks to show her and we will do a followup in a few weeks once she has operated her machine a bit. Questions usually come later after you work with it a while.

Wish me luck. I read Cheryl\'s Article on reaching out to other Longarmers who are in need of help. I agree that it is a good thing. Some have said I\'m training the competition. Yea How NEAT is THAT. I kinda feel like I\'m building a bridge that will lead to new Friendships. I sure hope so.

I\'m really looking forward and hope that I do a good job.


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Ohhhhh, your so nice to do that! I\'ve had my Millie for two months and won\'t have my free beginning class until Jan or Feb. Right about now I could really use some hands on help. I get a lot of my questions answered here, but some things you need to watch someone do in person.

Does this sound like fun to any seasoned LAers in the SF Bay Area????

(for $ of course! :) )


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You will do fine. Your knowledge and energy will really inspire this new quilter. It\'s like giving her a boost-up to get started. The follow-up is nice, too.

When I sold my Ultimate I, I gave the new owner some lessons just to give her a head start. There are so many questions when you are new and I remember being afraid that some of my questions were dumb.

I agree with you that this is not training your competition. I see it as mentoring quilters for the future. This is a whole new venture for you. Go for it.:)

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Well thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. I had a blast and my first student did as well.

We plan to do it again in the next few weeks as we covered alot and she had brain overload. lol She is a wonderful piecer too and had a huge stack of quilts ready to begin. She has several friends who would like to do the same so I guess I\'ll see how it goes. But it looks like more fun in on the Horizon for sure. lol

I think I learned as much as I hope she did. It was really alot of fun. More than I imagined it would be. I was on cloud nine all day yesterday. lol

Again thanks everyone for the kind words. Your the BEST!!

Hugs Grammie

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Congrats on a new adventure!

Where would we all be if Myrna, Marilyn, Darlene, Dawn, Sherry, Linda A., Pam Clarke, Linda Taylor, et.al. decided not to train the "future competition"? We would all still be stuffing those huge tops under the needle of our DSMs!!!!!

You have so much to share and tons of talent, so hang on for the ride!!!

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