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Merry Christmas

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Merry christmas to all and hope you have an extra special day. Family is coming to my house and I am excited to celebrate the birth of our lord with my family.

This year we are so happy to have both of my siblings with us. Older brother and younger sister have both had cancer this year. Sister is doing great but we are still very concerned about my brother. His cancer is a rare kind and treatment has been very difficult.

Marry Christmas and Happy New Year, Judi

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Thanks, I so agree with you. It is crazy that we can\'t say MERRY CHRISTMAS without worry about offending anyone. Well, I am offended that we can\'t say it. So here is wishing everyone a very Merry Chistmas. I say it anyway. Besides lets not for get why we really celebrate - the birth of our Lord.


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Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas!

So thankful that I live in a country where I can at least write that on a computer and not be in fear!

(and to think, I was a liberal radical in my teenage years... remember those 70\'s? Be careful what you wish for... my mother was oh so right!)

Who would have ever thought that wishing someone a Merry Christmas would become a political statement?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... have to finish getting trady for our gi-normous Christmas party this weekend!

Jeanne Morris

Monroe, GA

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I just saw a commercial on tv that was selling buttons that say something like it\'s OK to wish me a Merry Christmas. Didn\'t get all the info. Just seen it in passing. The buttons were 10 for $10.00. That\'s all the info I caught. I thought it was neat though.

Merrry Christmas!


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