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Do you remember Bo and Rosco

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This is Rosco (gold) and Bo (Dark) the puppies I found late January this year in my pasture. Acutually I found Six that I nursed for about 6 to eight weeks. I found homes for the other four but kept Bo and Rosco. Rosco was the runt and barely alive.

I enjoy them both. Two different creatures. Rosco is gentle and very good. Bo is excited about everything and wants alot of attention. Does alot of commands and is very smart. He even brings me his bowl to eat and then he goes and gets Roscos. When they finish eating he brings back for me to put up. He doesn\'t want Lucy the Cat to get it. lol


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Way too cute! Yes, I remember when you found them...bless you for nursing them to health and taking in Bo and Rosco. They\'re beautiful!

We have 3 dogs...2 are rescues. The best Christmas gift we could have hoped for materialized...that is, the 3 yr legal battle our boxer girl was tied up in finally ended, in favor of the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). She came from an abusive/neglected situation where the lady had some 300 dogs in cages stacked in a barn. We can now get her spayed and then we can officially adopt her (she still legally belonged to the lady who would not let the animals be altered...we had to sign legal documents to that affect).

Love my furbabies!


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Wow, they\'re huge! That\'s a couple of lucky dogs!

I have 2 horses, 2 GSD\'s, 1 cat who runs the house, and a land tortoise. Of the dogs, my old girl is as sweet as they come (100 lbs.) My boy (80 lbs.) was a working police dog who\'s handler didn\'t get along with him. He\'s definately a challenge, but an awesome dog. He\'s definately not timid about biting humans (including me) but then he doesn\'t know it\'s wrong. He was trained to do it. These dogs are generally put down if they don\'t work out for the job because they are so aggressive. I keep getting calls to take them, and this is the 1st one I took. They can\'t go to just anybody because of their training.

During the So. CA fire evacuation, he was well behaved. I took him into all kinds of crowds, around other animals and he acted like he was back on the job. Even the police were very impressed with him. When I told them he was a reject because he was handler aggressive, they couldn\'t believe it. Nobody could have asked for a better behaved animal. He was quite impressive and I couldn\'t have been more proud of him. He\'s come a long way, but he still has a way to go. He\'s a lot of work, but I don\'t need to carry my gun when I have him!

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