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What Santa brought me for Christmas..........

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I have to say first that my husband usually NEVER listens to the numerous hints I drop starting sometime in November, and then the day or so before Christmas gets a puzzled look and says something like "I never know what to get you, you buy everything you really want for yourself (somewhat true)." But I have wanted a better camera for a long time, and this time HE LISTENED!!!

I got the Olympus Evolt-410. SLR 10 MG with 2 lenses and a high def photo printer!!!!! Thanks Santa!!

I was losing so much detail on my quilting, and when I would post online I would loose detail. So here is an example of a photo at about 2 feet away, and then a crop of the same photo. The detail is amazing!!! Thanks again Santa!!!


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Nice quilt and nice free-mo pattern. It has such a nice flow. Love that border. Is that border quilted like a 1-2-3 with the 3 being 4 bumps/petals and then an echo added later?

Ok, how many other people had to look up warp and weft? :D

Oh, and nice camera. 10Meg, what detail. I have a 7Meg. I love the resolution. Clear and crisp.

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