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Wholecloth Drafting Weekend in Scotland plus pics

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I have just spent a fantastic weekend in a fishing village in NE Scotland drafting a double bed sized tradional North Country wholecloth quilt. The weather was great and we had views of the sea. The shop had a wonderful old teashop at the front and benches covered in quilts. The waitresses brought us tea in china teapots and scones on flowery plates. The holiday cottages were newly converted and the old fashioned pub did great evening meals. I sound like an advert but it was absolutely superb!

The tutor was Lilian Hedley from Durham. She is the UK\'s leading authority on tradional wholecloth and she learned her craft from the legendary Amy Emms. She uses a collapsible wooden frame and hand quilts everything but it was the design that I wanted to learn.

It is lengthy but simple. She used huge pieces of greaseproof paper. The patterns are traced off, then inked, then traced in pencil onto fabric. Some are drawn or "fudged" to fit and all are based on dinner plates, cups and old pennies - no maths!

We worked hard, had a great time and produced a finished design on paper...now just a small matter of getting it onto fabric and sewn!

I really don\'t know how I will be able to follow the patterns accurately as I\'m hopeless with pantographs. Karen Mc T somehow uses rulers to stay accurate but it mystifies me completely.

Lilian also only approves of square diamonds as fillers (we were not allowed to talk about cross hatching or batting cos they are American words;))

I think my attempt will be a variation rather than a copy. It would be easier to sew it by hand but slower and what do I have a longarm for after all?! Just where does this project fit in with all the other things I have to do? I have to go and finish my set of blocks for the swap first, I think!:P

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I\'ve never actually been too inspired to do a whole cloth quilt, I thought it had toooooo much detail for me.... My creative mind can\'t always sit still for that long.

HOWEVER, WOW! and using household things is kinda coooooool.

You\'ve got me thinking...... (that\'s always dangerous!)

Can\'t wait to see the finished piece... I\'ll bet it isn\'t as hard as you think.


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