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Really Bad Customer - -Identified

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This was posted on another site and I have permission from the author to repost the info here on this site. You can look up Island Girl Quilting or Vera Means. This is now in the public records. We are not suggesting you boycott her but just beware:

Here is the information on the "Really Bad Customer" problem discussed on this forum in January and February 2008.

I attended the court hearing as a friend and support to my dear friend who was the longarmer in question. The plaintiff in this case has been involved in more than one case involving longarm quilting. She was both a defendant and a plaintiff. If you wish to find out more information on this client, search the Maryland court system for her name. You can see that a pattern is emerging. Below is the link to the case involving my friend, owner of Island Girl Quilting. Beware - don\'t let this happen to you. If this client did this to two or more LA\'s, she very likely did this to far more who were unwilling to see it through the court system.


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Drop the comma off the end of the link posted by QuiltFaerie. Acknowledge the warning and do a search on Vera Means.

This lady is no stranger to the judicial system. I would almost say that this is a frivolous law suit but there is nothing frivolous about impugning somebody\'s reputation.

I don\'t know the quilter but I think that it is great that she stood her ground. I want you in my corner, Carol. You stuck by your friend. And thank goodness that the legal system saw this for what it was.

Carol, besides the hassle factor, I hope that this conflict did not shake the quilter\'s confidence or have a negative impact on her reputation as a quilter.

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For those of you who can\'t get into the site, the customers name is Vera Means. She previously was in a lawsuit brought on by another longarmer. She refused to pay for the quilting the first quilter did. When she was sued, she paid the fee and the suit was dropped. The bad mouthing she did on the first quilter sure cost the quilter a ton of business. But, when all the dust settled, the first quilter started a shop and is doing well now but her reputation took a beating. I was lucky in the fact she never stiffed me for the cost of the quilting and as far as I know, she didn\'t bad mouth me. She just wasn\'t someone I wanted to continue a relationship with. When the defendant of this last case called me because all the directions were on my work sheet, she wanted to know why I wasn\'t doing the quilt. As you know, everything turned into a mess. The last quilter, Island Girl Quilting was very shook up over all this. I talked to her several times and she seems OK now. Good for her, standing up for herself. We really wanted to warn others because she is going to run out of quilters in this area. She has also been banned from a few quilt shops for all her bad mouthing. We aren\'t telling you this so you boycott her, but, just beware and quilt at your own risk. I really can\'t complain because she hasn\'t done anything to me as I said. I\'m just not giving her another chance. So sad to see such an unhappy person.:(

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