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Becoming a Machine Dealer

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Just a research Question for the Dealers?

So as a Machine Dealer what made you want to be a DEALER? Did you just apply or approached after becoming an award winning quilter if you are that is?

How much do you like being a dealer and what is the downside to being a Machine Dealer?

I mean to sell something don\'t you need PASSION for the product?

Just Curious ladies. What do Machine Makers look for in a Dealer for their Machines?

Any replies would be greatly appreciated. You can reply here or email me at quiltsbygrammie@hughes.net

Grammie Tammie

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My problem with being a dealer is you have to be Arnold Schwarzennegar (sp ?) to move the things and put them together. You better have a 2nd person to go with you on all set-ups, I would say.

My husband and grandson put mine together. But what if a single lady ordered one and wanted it set up, and I was a dealer. How on earth would I do that by myself???

And when my hydraulic lift came, even the installer APQS sent couldn\'t figure some of it out. My husband had to go to the Hardware Store to get parts that were missing.

These things made me think I would never want to be a dealer. My husband told me when I got mine that I should be a dealer. I just don\'t see how.


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Just a comment about the set up. I was a single lady when my machine arrived and I set it up with a little help from my then 11 yr old daughter. Since then I have taken it apart and moved it to another part of the house and put it back together. No problem.

I too have been curious about being a dealer but not really sure that there would be a big enough market in this area.


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Hay Tammie Girl

You should be an APQS Dealer!!!!! You are just perfect for our team LOL wild crazy talented and I\'m sure APQS would be lucky to have you on our team call Head office and chat with Heidi or email her at Heidi@apqs.com. I personally would be honored to be in a booth with you;) Get it on girl and hold your APQS head high LOL Are you coming to MQX this year..... we\'ll do lunch:cool:

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A note on set-up....I set up both of my machines by myself and I am all of 5\'2\'. I used a chair to help hold up the table as I attached the legs. I have always done stuff like this because my DH is not handy at all...great with business but any repair or building stuff is not in his ability (he has 10 left thumbs and no logic to put it together). But then...I am rotten with the business stuff so it works out perfect:)


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Grammie Tammie, I think you would be an excellent sales rep. You are so excited about the industry, and so full of ideas - whew girl, you make my head spin.

I don\'t need a personality profile to know it ain\'t for me. I was just curious about how sales reps are selected. Were they sales reps for other companies, or just loved quilting like us and fell into it. Cause I know of one who said she couldn\'t quilt in the beginning...so just curious more than wanting to be one.

I\'ve done the profiles and have missed my calling in life:( Everyone should know when they are young...and follow that career path. I think we would have a much happier society.

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