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I'm Home!!

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What a trip. I\'m already ready to go back. Everyone was so nice and fun to be with. I so enjoyed meeting Bonnie and sitting next to her at the meeting. Nancy Jo was the hostess with the mostess...it was hard to leave early and I was sorry we had to go....so much to do...so little time.

Once my feet were back on Missouri soil my cell phone started ringing. Jen has pnumonia (sp?), so Rod was suppose to go by her house when he got off work to pickup Haylee and bring her here. When he got there Haylee was ill too, so he loaded them both up and went to Urgent Care. After all tests are ran, he will be bringing them both back here.....Can I come and visit anyone else - quick!!!??

Rod called and I asked what he is doing...he is sitting in Urgent Care with a room full of sick kids and he started singning a song to me on the phone about a rabbit talking to a moose :o He better watch out...they could call the guys in white jackets to take him away:D

So, I know the message boards have probably been quiet lately....get ready....cause I\'m back.

Oh, by the way....Dale...if you are out there send me an email or a u2u and I\'ll send you that form we talked about.

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What??? Bonnie was there? Was this our Bonnie?

Was this a tightly kept secret?

No wonder it was so quiet on this board.

We do not have a LA group any closer than 100 miles from me. I would sure love to attend one that did not require hours of travel. An exchange of ideas, techniques and lessons learned would be wonderful among like-minded (read as "longarm") quilters would be so enriching.

Hey, NWLA, who started your group and when and how hard is it to get a group going?

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No wait....that is how rumors get started. It was our Bonnie....just not our New York Bonnie....I think she said her registered name is BonBon. She just posted a message under the lost camera thread.

The Ozark Spark....gosh I like that!! If I didn\'t already have Enchanted Quilting I would name my(self) company that!!:D

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I just posted an interest in starting a group up here in the San Jose area, and within a week, we had a date for a meeting. There are three, maybe four of us, and have met twice so far. Yesterday we closed down the tea house, we yapped for so long! :D

Join us next month, Sunday April 20th. Road trip! :)


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I am glad you made it home safely, Mary Beth, but it looks like everything falls apart as soon as you leave town!!! Hope everybody is on the mend.

On Sunday Beth Durand and her patient, charming and very handsome DH Randall took us on a tour of the Oregon coast. We had sun and 55 degrees which is unheard of on the coast in March! Thanks MB, I\'m sure it was because of your visit!

Here is a photo of Beth and Randall in Cannon Beach, Oregon with Haystack Rock in the distance.


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Hi Linda,

If I remember correctly, the NW group was casually started with a question on the chat. There was so much response that Beth (Durand) talked to the owner of the LQS where she teaches and the owner (the gracious and generous Wendy) allowed us to meet at Heart to Hand in Portland on a Sunday. That started the desire to meet more often. This last meeting was only the third meeting. The second was at Maxine\'s also in Oregon in the fall. Our next meeting is planned for May and hosted by Jim and Bev Hogan at Bekah\'s studio also in Oregon. We have had as few as 10 and as many as 20 attend. It is very informal--no lists or dues or newsletters--just lots of info here and U2Us and emails to firm up plans. We do show-and-tell, tips and tools, informal demos on the machines, and lotsa food and laughter. What could be better!!

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How many were at Nancy\'s? I thought there were a lot more than 20 but, then math is not my best suit!!;)

The most interesting part is that there are sometimes 5 or more conversations going on at once and you have to really listen fast and multi-task in your brain so that you don\'t miss a thing. Keeps you on your toes,

And yes aren\'t they a cute couple. And the weather was so good for Oregon in March. We are glad that you came Mary Beth bringing some of your Missouri humor into the group. Be sure and watch out for the trail mix. :cool:

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

Beth Durand and her patient, charming and very handsome DH Randall

Sure, Randall is a cutie, but I gotta tell ya that the gal standing next to him, Beth, is a doll face! :) Look at that curly doo and that so-sweet smile! No wonder Randall is smitten...

The Oregon coast is something extra special beautiful. Nice picture!!

Glad you all had a great time. I thought about y\'all in Vancouver. Welcome home, Mary Beth and I hope Jen & Baby get well soon.

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I thought I recognized that big rock in the picture\'s background. Isn\'t it called Sugar Dome. We lived in Gearhart for two years and we were just two miles from the beach. Loved it there. It was too cold to spend time in the water, but my kids sure enjoyed building sandcastles on the beach.

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I also recognized that boulder, and its named Haystack. There are more similar to Haystack, but either smaller or further out.. this seems to be the most photogenic.. against a bright red/orange sunset.. striking.

I\'m Homesick for the NW..


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Mary Beth,

Glad you had a good time. I\'m so jealous!!

My daughter lives in Tacoma and I spent some time with Linda Rech several years ago at Innovations. We had a great time in Irena Bluhm\'s classes. I\'m hoping to go again this year to visit my daughter and attend Innovations. I\'m not sure if I will take classes. I might just go to enjoy the vendor mall and looking at the quilts!!


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Here are the "Three Amigos" can you tell which one is from the midwest....could it be the one with 4 layers including the heaviest sweater I could find and a borrowed coat?? :D This picture was taken shortly before Beth took us on a driving tour of 2 different parking lots:P:D:D Sorry, it\'s just one of those "you just had to be there..." things.


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WOW you guys what a great picture. I\'ll bet that was a great parking lot drive. Just be glad I wasn\'t there and driving, we would still be in the parking lot:P Ask Nancy Jo

You have two very tall buddies my friend but what fun friends to hang out with. It\'s a good think Mary Beth had Beth to borrow a coat or sweater from.:D

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What a great picture gilrs!

Haystack rock is one of our fav\'s, did you see the giant sand mountain? That\'s what my boys "sand surf" down, scares me to death!

Glad you all had a great time, Oregon really has everything & we were glad you could join us Mary Beth youre a doll!!;)

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Sand surfing....Now that sounds fun. I\'ll try it next time I\'m in town...I\'ll bring my insulated underwear!!

Bekah, it was so good to finally meet you, wish I could have met your DH too...feels like I know all these people I have talked to forever online...It was like a homecoming getting to meet you all.

Beth and I had decide we were twins, separated at birth...even though I am about 5 years older - it could happen...It would have been hard on our mom...but it could happen:D It was so weird...she would say something and I would finish it with her - like we were cosmic or psycho or something...:D:P

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