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APQS's new computer software, Ladies I think we need to input

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I purchased my machine in December, questioned about anything new coming... nope! So I purchased, would I have known that within 6 months not only would their be a new machine, but new software too! I think I might have spent the same amount and had the new stuff.

This is not the place to post our concerns though, Heidi from APQS has told me that she would be happy to hear from us gals, about any of our concerns. As far as she was aware as of this afternoon it was not determined as to what to do with compuquilter users that would want to migrate to APQS.

She did assure me that APQS would stand behind their compuquilter owners, but they would no longer be selling it.

My suggestion is this simple....lets let them know what we would expect , having purchased their product. Each of us has a differing opinion I am sure, which is why I think the board is not the place to discuss it. But maybe if we wrote to her personally she would let the powers at be, know what and how their customers are feeling.

My plan is to let her know that I would expect to pay the difference between the software I purchased and the new software. As I was told all upgrades were included. It was not my choice for them to change software companies and I feel they should stand behind their point of sale. I should be given the choice in my humble opinion.

Ladies I would love it if you feel so inclined, to let our supplier know what we would like. The decision hasn\'t been made so now is the time to get in our suggestions.

Thanks for the ear. I will be double posting in the computquilter section too, but thought some of you maybe in the consideration portion of purchasing and thought you should know too.

Thanks and I do love APQS and my Milli, I just want to make sure our businesses have the opportunity to voice our concerns.

Thanks and to all you lurkers, please go ahead and jump in and email Heidi Kaisand at heidi@apqs.com , she was very genuine and interested in my feelings and I really think she will try for us.


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Personally I think this is the place to post those concerns!!!! I think the responses would be in a more timely manor!!! Yes if every one wrote a letter they would get quite a few but if those problems/concerns were also posted in a public forum where everyone can read them even potenial customers the powers that be could address the issue publicly. Just my opinion!!!


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I agree with Sewhappy. I love CompuQuilter.although I DO think ungrades are in order. I have had a very positive relatiuonship with APQS, although I have noticed a slight change in tone in the company over the past 9-10 months. I think there is a definite advanatge to posting here versus individually dealing with the changes. After all, the investment was huge to go to CompuQuilter, and I am really not made of money to change every time there is something new. Yep, I think collective voices should be heard.

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Can you share what you know and what/when will be happening with APQS computer software? Where did you hear about the change, etc.? I didn\'t receive any information about anything new coming up - was it an email, a letter, at a show?

Thanks for any information.

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I just got my Milli w/compuquilter on April 1, and there was no mention at that time of a new software program. Had there been I certainly would have waited to see what the new bundle was like. Did Heidi give any indication what APQS might do??? or should I just email Heidi direct?:(:(:(:(

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I too would like to know more about this. I read the post last week about rumors, but where did it all start, and when is it going to happen. I agree with the earlier topic on rumors that the quiet is overwhelming. I have a lot of $$$ invested already, and I think we deserve to know what\'s happening.

I\'m not really sure what concerns I would send to Heide since I\'m so in the dark about it.

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I posted this for the owners who already owned a CQ so if you had any concerns you had a point of contact.

I was assured today at the Portland Spring Market that there are some very exiciting upgrades headed our way. They were hoping to have them to us for market. As a great "Debut", but as you all know computers are finiky and the kinks were not quite out. They want to be able to show us the new stuff when it is going to rock our socks.

So patience, which is not a virture, that God was passing out readily when he made me, and he frequently reminds me of this.... Hee Hee.

So ladies, now you know all their is to know, at this point, as far as I know. Heidi had just said she was willing to be our point of contact for our questions or concerns. You won\'t get answers on this board, only more questions and projections. Heidi is our gal, and she said she would try her best to keep us upto date. So if you chose to email her then that is your source for info.

This will be my last post to this thread, as I rest peacefully tonight knowing that both compuquilter and APQS will be very committed to taking care of us. We are in good hands, we just have to practice our patience.

Thanks gals for listening, hope this helped calm nerves.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:;)


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You are very welcome Brenda, glad

we were able to chat & put your concerns at ease!

Good to see your smiling face today, I bought a bundle of

Claudias fabrics yesterday, you are all going to love it!!!


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Hi everyone

Well the secret is out - APQS has in the works a new computerised quilting system for APQS owners. Its in its final stages of "production" and its debut will be announced in the near future. As of today, the \'powers that be\' do not have a release date but they will let us know as soon as they do.

APQS want to assure all of our APQS CQ owners that we (APQS and their dealers) will continue to support your Compuquilter systems and look forward to the exciting upgrades to CQ which we believe will be released very soon.

Best wishes

sue in australia

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