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question on lighter/smaller machine

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You should be able to use the same table. Also consider a Freedom. I have a Millie and a Freedom. I prefer the Freedom. Although it is not that much lighter as for as pounds go, it does feel a lot lighter on the table. I would try out the Liberty and Freedom first. You are used to a larger throat area that the Liberty provides and you may not be happy with the smaller space.


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I second all that the others have previously stated. In addition, you already know how to run your millie, so there shouldn\'t be that much transition to a different APQS machine. That would be a concern to me by switching brands.

Good luck in your decision.


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I went to MQS and tried the lenni and the freedom. I like the feel of the vertical handles. I also liked the lighter feel of the machine. I also wondered if I have a wheel problem or if I removed the thread cutter would help. I keep the machine well maintained, no loose threads in the wheels, etc. Thanks to all of you for your imput. Myrna, I\'ll call you probably tomorrow and talk more too. thanks, Sue

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Hi Sue

You would have to get a new table or at least the two black end frames, if you choose a Liberty since the throat space on a Liberty is less than on the Milli. Maybe they could be traded with your head, or you could sell the whole Milli system and start again.

The Liberty is a very easy machine to move.

Good luck with whatever you choose.

Sue in Australia

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If you decide to go with the Liberty, I would also trade the table legs. Otherwise the Liberty would not reach to the front of the rollers. The rollers are spaced farther apart on the table legs for the Millie than they are for the Liberty. You could still use your original table top, rollers and I believe the same carriage.

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I went from a Millie to a Liberty because of weight. Now I am hearing how much the soft mount system helps the move-ablility of the machine which might translate into easier on the back. I do miss the extra quilting depth sometimes. B-T-W I had taken the thread cutter off the old Millie to lighten up the machine and never missed the thread cutter once I got used to it.

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The thread cutter weighs 2 lbs 12 ozs...I know...I removed mine to lighten up the machine and then weighed it because I was curious.

I have a Millie and a Liberty. I like the Liberty because of the weight of the machine, but I like the throat space on the Millie. I previously own a gammill optium plus and it was too heavy of a machine.


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