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Quilt shop closing, Boo-Hoo!

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I am SO very sad!!:(:(:(:(:(

I just learned today that this super nice wonderful quilt shop that I drop-off and pick-up at is closing!!! The owner is just the sweetest person in the world!!!

I do not know the whole story yet, been told there is more to learn, but it has to "wait until the doors are closed" hmm...

I have already talked with another shop in town, this owner is very nice too, and will be able to work through her now.

Another bad thing is - this nasty other shop in town (we had 3 shops) vowed to "put the others out of business" :o Now she will be happy..... grrrr..:mad::mad:

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Oh - before there were only 2 shops, and I used to work for one. When she closed (divorced and moved out-of-state) I bought her Long Arm from her, so that was a good thing for me... I just don\'t see much good coming out of this.

Seriously - she is the best, super, nicest lady ever! Would do anything for anyone!!!

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Oh waaah that is so sad!

I would be extremely bummed out if my two BEAUTIFUL (and I mean beautiful) quilt shops closed in my town. They are very light, bright, warm and lovely places to be on the cold wintery days...

I consider my quilt shops a PRIVILEGE to have, and indeed, it is I who is the lucky one to have these shops.

I hope things work out for you, Judi. Something good always comes from something bad, so keep your positive attitude. :)

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I also would be sad if my LQS closed. I can get "material" items off the internet but I prefer the warm, friendly people at my shop, which you cannot buy anywhere. I was in the hospital a week ago and the LQS owner sent me cards and called my home personally to see if I needed anything!!! Gotta love quilters.

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It my be the economy...our LQS shop has changed their hours and is now closed on Sundays. I also notice the owner is offering a lot more sales but not having as many customers on the days of the Sales.

I hope he can hang onto his shop...they have such great fabrics, machines, etc...not to mention referrals...and it\'s been around for years!

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Actually, competition is good for all shops. It keeps everyone on their toes and brings in more business to the area. There is a point in all this called saturation, but I don\'t see that with 3 shops, and that is when there aren\'t enough customers to support the existing shops. Usually, each shop has a different take on what they stock so they bring the most variety to the area.

If the one lady is trying to put everyone out of business...she may find her self in trouble...what goes around comes around.

Sorry you are losing a LQS.


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Here is a question - Any good ideas of something I could do for her, or give her?

I have taken her flowers before, and was going to do this on Friday when we go in for Piano lessons, but I would like to do something else, better, more??!?? ideas please....

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Sheryl - Always a great idea!! Thanks a bunch, she is such a hard worker, so sad that this is happening.

I think she will be open yet when she hosts the "Quilts on the Boulvard" event in the middle of July. I have heard that she will still do her quilt retreat in March of 2009, for that last time.... will have to sign-up for that baby too!!

Anyhow - I am working on this huge Pink Bargello Ribbon Quilt to be auctioned off at the event. It is an outdoor quilt show too, with them hanging between the trees - very cool to see! Not as big as the one in Oregon, but it was growing.....

All proceeds go to our local hospital for Breast Cancer Research. We have had, and still have many ladies in our guild with Breast Cancer.

I would love to make her a Mini- version of this quilt, (kind of like the "Itty Bitty" paperpiece patterns - love those!!) just not sure if I will have time to get everything done. I think I am the one that was volunteered to quilt our guilds show quilt too. And they want that done before the state show on June 26th - yeicks!

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