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A Competition for Quilters with Scottish ancestry...

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Oh how cool!

If I could just get the courage and confidence .... The website did mention first timers. :cool:

I would have to do some research for my connection. I know my maternal great grandparents came from there but I have not had much luck finding information on the family history.

I do have have a deep facination with Scottland and would love to be part of something like this. Fun

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Hi Roberta - I just went to the site, and they said for people who have a love of Scotland not just a heritage from there. Also beginners as well as advanced. I have always wanted to go to Scotland, Ireland & England. Probably from reading too many novels based on those countrys. Anyway, I think it would be cool to send them a quilt for consideration. I\'m going to consider it (if I can get my act together).

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PattyJo - I have always wanted to go Scottland, Ireland, Englad too. Especially the highlands of Scottland. I think I also get a good part of my facination from novels. They make it sound so fabulous! I have also had a great deal of fun google earthing it, ha ha. I am going to consider it too, if I can get my act together as well. For me 6 months is a time crunch :D ... I hope you get to do it! :)

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Just go for it!!The organisers will be so excited when I tell them that real Americans have already checked out the website as it only launched on Monday this week!:D

(By the way - the LLQS is a great show outside Glasgow - based in lots of Dumbarton\'s local churches, it\'s a bit of a treasure hunt finding them all - this is where the old Singer factory and turkey red dye works was historicallyand like Paducah, it became very run down but is now gradually being revitalised. It is becoming a prestigious show with some very good teachers and exhibitors but on a tiny scale compared to USA!


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Hi Linzi

Thank you for letting us know about the site. I\'ll be in Dundee in March 2009 catching up with my family so we\'ll make a point of checking this out.

Roberta, if you visit www.ancestry.com or www.genesreunited.com from there you can find links to Scottish records, which might get you started in researching your family history. Good luck!

Sue in Australia

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I have to admit I am thinking of starting to design a quilt. Seeing your winning quilt is intimidating. I am no where near as good as you. I am one of the lucky ones in that I have been to Scotland and have many happy memories driving my parents around for several days before heading south to meet our plane back home. Does Perth still have the glassworks? My parents had to drag me away from watching them blowing the wonderful glass objects. Nessie did not make an appearance for us but I am sure that it was just because she was shy.


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Thanks Linzi, it sounds wonderful, I\'d love to make a quilt about Scotland, both my DH & myself have Scots heritage. I\'ve just finished re-reading the Diana Gabaldon series with Claire and Jamie Fraser. Voyager, Dragonfly in Amber etc... Last year it was the Princes of Ireland...Now to design and make the quilt, just thinking about it makes me smile! :)

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