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Our 3 girls on the Millie w/Pics

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OK Bekah, here are the pics of my 3 girls on the machine. The first one is of our youngest DG. She was first on the machine, but went back on it after the others were thru. She loved it and went thru 3 or 4 bobbins!!! I think with some work, she would be a really good little quilter.


This next picture is of the oldest DG. She is the 15 yr old who is more interested in texting her friends than just about anything else. She is already 5\'9" and still growing!!!


And finially, our daughter. She got to giggling as she was on the Millie, and kept saying that I was nuts for even thinking she could do this.......


Thanks for looking

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Actually Bonnie, my daughter is really a step-daughter. My DH and I both have been married before and when he and I got married in 1974, she was 4 yrs old and DH had custody of her. So there is no blood tie between myself and them. But we have the best tie and that is love. She was young enough when DH and I married that she has a lot of my mannerisms & thinking. She can finish my sentences for me! LOL.

And Bekah, I know just what look you are talking about. She looks at peace behind that machine. And she was. For being only 12 she has a lot of artistic talent. She\'s the only one that asked me how to start it up, what buttons to push for Stitch Reg., and was very interested in how to put the bobbin in. I\'m hopeing that next year, she may want to come and stay a week or so and I can teach her how to put a simple quilt together and she can quilt it.

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After having 3 sons I really appreciate my granddaughters. I can imagine what fun you have with yours. My 11 year old granddaughter spent the day with me yesterday making a wall quilt for her bedroom. I let her quilt it on my Lenni with the circle lord and she had a ball. It was a blessed day.

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Little Mr. Hot Jalepeno Pepper Pickle did not get a whirl on the machine. If he attacked my Millie like he does everything else, ........well, let me just say that I would be making a lot of payments on a pile of parts!!! Maybe when he gets a bit older. :P

Bonnie - As a matter of fact, my son from my first marriage is the same age (within 30 days) of our daughter. They went all through school and everyone thought they were twins until they were told different. So many people have said that our whole family looks related. DH and I never had any of "our" kids, but they are all treated as if they were all ours! :)

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:P me & my sibs are a family of 7 with Mom, having one daughter before and Dad having 3 daughters...then together they had me and my two little brothers.....we aren\'t steps, halfs or whatever...we are just brothers and sisters as well....and its funny....people would never know if we didn\'t say anything. In my family mom\'s D and Dad\'s oldest D were 4 months apart....:P That was so fun to explain how you got a set of twins that many months apart.
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Patty Jo, your family is lovely. It\'s obvious that you enjoy them & that they also enjoy your passion, quilting.

Couldn\'t help noticing a couple of things when looking at the photos you shared:

1) Both girls seem so tall in comparison to the height of your machine. Were they standing on anything to be so tall? When your daughter was quilting, she didn\'t seem to be as tall at the machine. My machine is set up so that it\'s a good height at which to do pantos from the back; however, when working from the front, it seems to be a little too high. The granddaughters look as if they have good control because the machine is at a good height for them. What gives?

2) What kind of lighting system do you have on your machine? I didn\'t notice the typical light bar. Have you done some modifications to your Mille?

Thanks for sharing your family\'s special quilting moments!

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Hi Pat, Yes both of the girls are tall. Our daughter is only 5\'2" and both girls are taller than she is as their dad is 6\'4". The dr\'s say that both girls will be close to 6\' when they are thru growing. No, I don\'t have any platform to stand on, they are just tall & dear daughter is short. The machine is set up for my 5\'7" height. And yes, I did modify my light bar. I took it off and attached 4 small puck lights from IKEA. I love them as they don\'t get hot and give me good visability even behind the needle so that when I\'m going backwards I can see where I\'m going. My DH modified the lightbar wireing so that I will be able to mount it up under the arm and can put in a blacklight tube.

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