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Distilled Water for Iron

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The ratio of water to vodka is 8-to-1 according to my friend who use this constantly. She adds lavender essential oil--about three drops but you can adjust to your taste...er,smell.

Her quilt tops smell lovely when she brings them over.

Anyone know what the vodka does besides evaporate?

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I think I found the recipe -- ala the sisters on Walton's Mountain.


Info from the web site:

Linen Water

1/4 cup vodka [cheap is fine, but use 80 proof]

10-20 drops essential oil*

2 cups distilled water **

Mix vodka and oil first...the vodka is an emulsifier...then add the water.

*your choice of scent, but it must be an "essential oil"...these can be purchased at a Health Food Store.

**must use distilled, chlorinated water will kill the essential oil scent


We discussed this on the message boards, and I finally got around to buying the ingredients and made some...I love it!

I put it in a spray bottle [they say you can fill your iron with this too]. You use it to mist clothing/fabrics/linens that you're ironing, or just mist fabric/bedding/upholstery for a lovely scent [like Febreze].

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*essential* Lavender oil will also help keep dust mites away,, as on pillows and bedding.. smells wonderfully gentle, or comfy.. etc.. One light spifft per a.m. when making the bed.. oh smells good to crawl into at night.


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I will have to just go find this stuff to make it....I have been buy something from "Bed Bath and Beyond", but its to expensive to get each time...just as a treat.

Heidi...that'll teach him...go hide in the basement and bar the door closed from your side. :)

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This has to be one of the most unusual threads I've read here. I had never even heard of such a thing!I am so happy to learn about it. I almost skipped this thread, but I'm so glad I didn't.

I want to thank everyone who contributes to my and other threads. Everyone has had different experiences, and it is so great that so many people are so willing to share their experiences.

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Mary Beth & Bonnie,

Yup spent a good portion of my day at my machine! Luckily I did not have a day like Mary Beth. I'm 1/2 done with a Christmas gift for my son and he is going to love it! He lives in NC and is a surfer. The quilt has surfer's quilted all around a carpenter star. It is coming out just as I imagine too! I have a big border on it and I'm goig to quilt little woody cars with surfboards on top and they are in between palm trees. It is so cute on paper I sure hope it looks half as good on the quilt!

Oh Hubby asked me to cut his hair today now you'd think he would be smarter than asking a sleep deprived cranky wife to get out the buzzers! Lucky for him I had been quilting for a couple hours when I stopped to do his hair. All in all it turned out to be a terrific day. I have two more days off too! I took Friday & Monday off my day job. I really needed a break! Hubby will be going out of town tomorrow afternoon so I'll be able to spend all the time I want at my machine! Hoping to get my son's quilt done tomorrow.

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