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I have a question about thread options when doing a quilt. should you always match the thread to your top so it blends in, or a thread that will really shows up. Also should you match top and bottom thread colors, or does it matter. Does all this depend on what look you want your quilt to have, or are there rules to follow when choosing thread.


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Mostly thread depends on the look you want for the quilt. Sometimes you (or your customer) will want the thread to blend in and other time you will want it to show.

You don't have to match the top and bobbin colors, but if you do not, you have to be very careful about tension or you will have 'pokeys' on either the top or the back.

If the backing is very different in value from the top, the thread that goes with the top may contrast quite a bit with the back. This can be a pleasing effect, as it can look almost like a whole cloth quilt, giving you a 'reversible' quilt.

It is up to you. Play, have fun and try lots of different threads.

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I use all weights and colors on top and bottom. The other day I used white on top and black on bottom. Having a great machine is essential and not being scared to work with your tension is a must. I rarely use the same color on top and bottom. Just have fun with the thread. Oh, I only use Superior Threads!:)


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No rules - do what you like to do and what works for you!

There have been many posts already on this subject - but here is my opinion:

Often I see where quilters always match the bobbin thread to top thread, easy way out. I like to match bobbin to the back fabric usually. I use what top thread color and kind I like. Some quilts, depend on what their use will be. If you know it will be getting washed alot, I use a heavy Poly thread. I like 40wt..... other wall quilts or fancy things - I might use Rainbows or varigated threads.

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Originally posted by KerryM

I have a question about thread options when doing a quilt. should you always match the thread to your top so it blends in, or a thread that will really shows up. Also should you match top and bottom thread colors, or does it matter. Does all this depend on what look you want your quilt to have, or are there rules to follow when choosing thread.


Here are the rules as I understand them to be:

Rule # 1: There are no rules.

Rule # 2: When in doubt, refer to rule # 1.

Rule # 3: Have fun.

PS: These rules apply not only to thread, but also to everything else. :)

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Shana, I am going to have to learn to live by your rules, at least when it comes to quilting. I will just have to get over that sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach everytime I go to load or quilt on a quilt. My mind is always spinning; wrong designs, wrong batting, wrong thread...I stress over it all!!!!! I hope it gets easier the more tops I do?:)

Thanks for all the advice and support that you guys give. I probably wouldn't even be asking about thread or anything else for that matter if you guys hadn't been so encouraging and supportive. Thanks alot.

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It will get easier, I promise. I think back on my first customer quilt everytime I load a new quilt--that was in Feb 2003 so there have been many a quilt in between. I stood there with my hands on the machine for 4 hours before I was brave enough to start quilting.


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