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Who is laboring this weekend?

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No, not a traditional septic tank - that's outside the house, about 100' away. There's not enough drop from our house to the septic tank (house built after septic system had been in place), so we had to put in a holding tank with a grinder (yuck!), along with a pump to pump the resulting sludge out to the septic tank. It has "gunked up" several times and overflowed in the basement, usually with just "grey water," but once with really icky stuff:(. But this is the first time we've had a problem since I installed my Millie in the basement 18 months ago.:( Actually, considering that the pump has been in place since we built this house in 1981, it's done pretty good.....

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I'm here at work at the hosp., and it's just not as much fun as it used to be. Which is probably one of the reasons I'm looking at the chats, not doing my charting on my most recent group.

I've only been a full time LA since early May, so I'm no expert, but boy howdy it's sure easier to get up at 6am with a day of quilting ahead of me than it was to get up at 6 this morning to come and work here. Even though the last time I was here was July 4, it's just not as much fun as it used to be. I keep thinking of the quilts that need to be quilted, how much I'd rather be at home where I get to move around. Usually my pedometer reads at least 4 miles by now, I'm barely over 2 at the moment. Oh well, one more group, 2 more groups to chart on, then I'm handing over my keys and I'm outta here!


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Barb, it's jobs like that that make DH's wish they weren't handy! It'd be nice to be able to say, "We'll just have to call someone..." Of course, even if I could afford to do that, Margie knows I can fix things so I never get out of those kinds of chores. And yes, as much as I hate tile work (especially FREE tile work) I don't think I'd trade y'all jobs right now :)

Bonnie, I'm pretty sure it's 'weary', but I'd bet there are people who'd say 'wicked' applies as to me as well...

mr margie

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