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A special THANKS to that "Li'l Stick of Dyn-a-Mite!"===>> Nancy Jo Smith

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If you've met Nancy you know what I mean when I say she's a ""Li'l Stick of Dyn-a-Mite!" definitely that and more. She's a firecracker for sure, that girl is!!! :P Yes, sireee!:P:P:P

OK I have to tell the world about our friend Nancy Jo in Idaho (Hey..I just made a rhyme!) --- how wonderful, caring and giving she is....it's too much! This past May at MQS I was carefully planning how to spend my $$ on supplies, and definitely needed to buy some rulers (the basics, since I didn't have many) and circle rulers were on my "gotta have" list of purchases. Well, anyway, I guess it helps to talk because I mentioned it to Nancy and she said "Don't buy those circles, I have a big set at home in storage that I'll never use again and you can have them. I offered to pay... Nope! She wouldn't take the money.

Wow! I was so pleased to take up this offer. So, I said Sure. Thanks so much. And just this past week, a big box came with a whole gigantic set of circle rulers and a set of cute little swag rulers, too. She's just too much!

Nancy you are so generous. I hope that some day I can do like you did for me and "pay it forward" and hand over some of my tools to a new longarmer who's just starting out...when I don't need those tools any more. I know how hard it is just starting out and not much $$ to get some of the basics


Thanks, Nancy,

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Yes, Shana - I agree, Nancy Jo is a little dynamo for sure. And if you ask any of us who went to her house for our Moxie group meeting, she is a wonderful hostess with the mostess. She gave us each a # when we came into the house and as the day progressed, she would call out a number and have a small quilty gift for us. She spoiled all of us and we are so thankful for her. Glad that you are back on the forum with us Nancy Jo cause you were missed. You are a special lady. :cool:

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Oh a firecracker for sure!!!!! And a heart the size of Alaska to boot!:D:D:D

I had so much fun with her at MQS.

Oh Nancy Jo, I think of you and Grammie every time I rock out to "Mama, he treats your daughter so bad". I just had to buy that CD.:cool:

Fun fun fun...

Angels on your body, and your generous heart, girlfriend.

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Shana; I don't think it could of happened to a nicer person. I read alot of threads and I enjoy reading yours. Sometimes sooooooo funny. Your photo reminds me of a best friend I had growing up in San Francisco, Ca. It's just like you to do the same favor for a new quilter in the future. God Bless You Shana

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Yes Nancy Jo...I too am glad to have you back on the chat. I've missed seeing your beautiful smiling face! I also had a SUPER BLAST with you at MQS. Can't wait for 2009 MQS. This time, i'm staying the WEEK! Not 3 nights! It was the best feeling to go home knowing i'd met my quilting sisters in person...

Tammy, if your reading...congrats on selling that house too! Take care moving to lovely CO....

Anyone heard from quilting nanny? How's she doing w/that new beautiful machine her hubby bought her at MQS? She must be quilting up a storm now....cuz i've missed her posts too.

Quilted Hugs to all my sista's!

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Originally posted by Renae

Just wanted to jump in here and say Hi to Tracye Q. haven't seen you in a while, you must have been very busy . Glad to see you are back posting again or maybe I have just missed your posts, but anyway, glad to see your smiling face.


Thank you Renae!!!! Yes, life's been crazy. But I'm still upright, no one's (especially children) have duck taped me to the floor yet, which I consider progress.:P

I do try to check in and read at least once a day though to see what everyone's up to!

Thanks for the shout out!:D

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Oh good grief. Try to do something nice and look what happens. :D:D:D Totally embarrassed here.

At least it got Myrna to pop in here. I been missin ya' girlfriend!!! Shana you just have fun with those rulers. Post some pics when you do a circle quilt.

I'm still laughing Boni. I totally remember that conversation!!

I am so jealous that Tracye gets to live that close to Tammie. I think we need to have a post-MQS retreat complete with margaritas. Next May is too far away. I too have that CD and I think of you guys everytime I play it. Whatch think, Sheri. Should we plan a retreat at Tammie's since she is busy getting ready to move. We can just let her know the date and how many are coming. ROFLMAO

Y'all are just the best friends. See you in 2 Patty Jo. Cannot wait. Boni, you going too? Hey, I'll have room for me, Barb and 4 more if anyone wants to party on the way down.


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I emailed Patty Jo already with my regrets. Too much in one day--I'm already in Portland for two events and down to Canby in the evening. I just couldn't squeeze it in. I would love to plan for the next one unless I'm in Indiana or taking care of grandkids. Thanks for the thought.

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