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What does everyone do to de-stress?

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Is anyone else feeling really overwhelmed? I’ve been so stressed out lately that I have barely had any time for myself. Over the weekend my girlfriends dragged me out to dinner, and I was so surprised by how much better I felt with just a few hours of ME time. I recommend everyone getting out there and taking a few hours (even a few min!) to do something for yourself. And if you get a chance, there is a sweepstakes going on right now that is all about giving you and your friends a chance to get away, relax, and have some much needed fun. It’s State Farm’s The Ultimate Ladies Night Out sweepstakes, and you and 3 friends could win concert tickets, hotel and flight accommodations, $2,000 spending money, and limo service on the evening of the concert. If you are interested, check it out at http://www.sfredlive.com/ecard. Either way, get out there and have some fun! You deserve it!

-Kate, SF

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Originally posted by katescape

Is anyone else feeling really overwhelmed? I’ve been so stressed out lately that I have barely had any time for myself. Over the weekend my girlfriends dragged me out to dinner, and I was so surprised by how much better I felt with just a few hours of ME time. I recommend everyone getting out there and taking a few hours (even a few min!) to do something for yourself. And if you get a chance, there is a sweepstakes going on right now that is all about giving you and your friends a chance to get away, relax, and have some much needed fun. It’s State Farm’s The Ultimate Ladies Night Out sweepstakes, and you and 3 friends could win concert tickets, hotel and flight accommodations, $2,000 spending money, and limo service on the evening of the concert. If you are interested, check it out at http://www.sfredlive.com/ecard. Either way, get out there and have some fun! You deserve it!

-Kate, SF

Sorry folks but this looks like one of those "scam" email messages. This person (Kate from SF) has posted one message (it's her first) and this is it? Looks a little odd/a little fishy to me!

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Hey. I'm glad I'm not alone in my destressing. I too piece and quilt. I went to walmart over the week-end and they are doing away wiht their fabric dept. 75% off, so guess what I did. Good thing my husband is a patient man.

Then I came home and re-rolled it on the bolts and it is so pretty. I just love fabric. I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a fabriholic. I have such visions when I look at it, but can't seem to find enough time to work it into a quilt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad to hear that everyone is taking time to destress. And I'm sorry my message came off as SPAM. I'm doing marketing for The Ladies Night Out Sweepstakes and want to get all the feedback I can. The idea behind the whole thing is to remind women to take time out for themselves. Of course a sweepstakes is involved, but the message is to have fun.

Thanks for hearing me out!

-Kate, SF

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Kate, this is a longarm quilting forum. With all of the horrible things going on with identity theft and people being taken for a ride by extravagant schemes and so much SPAM, I am very very weary of things like this. Back in the good old days, I used to answer my phone at home and provide information to strangers taking a political poll or requesting money for a non-profit agency looking for donations. Thanks to rampant identity theft and invasion of privacy, etc, I NO LONGER do this. All unsolicited emails go directly in the trash and are deleted. All unsolicited phone calls at home immediately get my "red flag" defenses up and I tell them "No thank you." and hang up. I choose not to take unsolicited calls or emails any longer. It's not worth the risk to me. Too risky. Things like what you are promoting ...well, I am always nervous about providing any information about myself to anyone on a web site like this. Times have changed; the world has changed. It's sad, isn't it? People ask for money, and I am happy to give, and I give generously directly to my community through my local United Way. But I will not do this to any body I don't know.

I still destress and have fun. In fact, my DH and I will be taking a vacation trip n the next year for some fun in the sun. :)

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