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So totally NQR

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Please indulge a doting gandma for a minute...

My DIL has a friend that has just started a photography business. She has been using my grand daughter, Alyssa as her model almost from the day she was born. I have seen her business cards and they had a cute pix of Alyssa on it, but had no idea about the web site!

Please take a look at the cutest baby in the world under the babies tab and there is even a few pix of my son and daughter in law under the families tab!


Thanks for indulging me...I am so proud!


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Yes Bonnie, that fairy picture was blown up for her first birthday party. It ended up being her 'official' birthday photo. That is also the picture that is one the photographers business card.

The picture of her foot has a lot of special meaning for us...it was taken the day before her first surgery on it. She was born with club foot and ended up having 2 surgeries. She has just gotten her last cast off a couple of weeks ago... Now if we can just get her to walk so she won't have to wear a brace!

But I agree...she is a cutie!

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