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Pajama Quilter video

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Has anyone else out there played with the designs from Dawn's pajama quilter DVD? I practiced on my white board, then practiced on muslin, now have a quilt loaded and am putting the funky feathers on it. I never realized how easy it was to just fill in as you go. Not have a plan to start, just start, and enjoy those chocolates as you go. I am having a blast with this.

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I just finished watching the entire DVD, including the beginner's section and ALL the extras! Now I'm going back to re-view those sections that I really want to try on some of my current projects. And I'm bummed, because one of the patterns I want to try is only on for less than a minute, right at the end of the regular session - echoed hearts in an allover pattern. Is that on the first DVD?

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Thanks! After watching the second one several times (in all its pieces and parts), I used some of her motifs in an allover, mixed fill - feathers, echoed hearts, echoed loops, curls, all sorts of stuff. I really like how it turned out, but it was waaaaay more work than I expected. Had to stop a lot more often to figure out what motif I was going to use next - man, could I use a shoulder rub about now!:D

Wish I could take a picture to show you, but I can hardly see the quilting (used Bottom Line), so I don't imagine it will show up in a photo.:(

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I ran into that when I was first practicing on the white board on just the simple designs. I did manage to get the Swirl Echo Stylized Stipple to look good on muslin. I haven't tried to mix up anything.

Did you get the workbook? I need to have something to copy from in front of my face. Sometimes I trace it first before I try it on the board or muslin.


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No I did not get the workbook, just the DVD. Spent a couple of days watching and ppp on my white board and it is so amazing how when you go to put it on a quilt, it just flows.

Kathy - you will enjoy putting these feathers on anything. I like the way that they are real open and you can sneak back down through the feathers to go a different direction.

Barb = here's the back rub coming at cha. Hope that it helps. LOL

Thank you all, I encourage everyone to try it, it is a blast.

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