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I'm still here but busy - just wanted to check in!

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Kids are back at school, finally starting to catch up on customer quilts but why can't I do simple stuff? I just had to do a gazillion pebbles on something again this week. I'm hosting a conference for Scottish quilters next weekend so very busy with that and sorting out snooty local government jumped up PITA administrator who decided a spanner in the works would be helpful at this late stage. I wrote a furious letter and they backed down so now all my friends want me to apply for the job of Prime Minister!

Ferret is one of my visiting lecturers and will be staying at my mad house so I have an exciting week ahead.

I'm busy making bunting...for the yurt!

Just wanted to say Hello and I haven't disappeared just preoccupied - will I ever have time to make quilts again?!:P



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The tent IS the YURT. I've seen them on the Oregon Coast in smaller campgrounds. Bunting is like a ruffled-sort of decoration they put on tables at banquets. I'm guessing a spanner is a banner than spans an area like a welcome sign or advertisement.

Now, I'm curious if my definitions span the globe--all the way to Scotland. :D

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Linzi, you English is showing. Dictionary please.

If I remember my English from 3 years in London, a spanner is a tool. I believe we call them monkey wrenches.

Love the yurt. How are you using it? I've only seen them used like a cabin in the woods with sleeping accomodations and sometimes sofas/settees for relaxing.

Is the bunting for decorating the yurt? And how exciting that you are hosting other quilters. And Ferret is one of them. I love her work. You'll have to tell us how your conference goes.

And please, stay away from politics and especially politicians. They are not near as nice as quilters.;)

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Oops - here's the translation

spanner (wrench in the works) = trying to make things impossible

yurt = Mongolian tent - it was supposed to be somewhere for the kids to play but I think I'll keep it. It is eventually going to have a wood burning stove, lots of rugs, candles - a place to party and chill for people who have time! I have decided to make quilts that fit its side walls so that it is decorated and insulated and I have got an instant exhibition space

bunting = colourful tringular flags on a string traditionally strung up at fetes, galas, parties etc. I'll post a pic when finished

Pebbledash quilting... I haven't yet found a way of doing it that doesn't cause stiffness, especially in the hands, I just can't get comfortable with the micro handles so spread my small hands and fingers wide around the main handlebars. The quilted texure looks amazing and is weirdly addictive. I'm never going to make money doing it though as it takes ages!

Some of my other latest distractions are on my blog. I was at a ball last week. I had silver crocs stashed in my handbag and because my trendy pink streaks had washed out, I put in my own temporary red ones with food colouring. They looked great but it's a good thing it did not rain. When I went in the shower afterwards it looked like I may have been murdered.

Right - back to work - I have 200 little flags to iron and sew onto 50ft of cotton tape!


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