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Quilt I'm working on

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I'm sorry you are having such a time on your quilt. Just think though, once you get it done, you will be the one able to really appreciate all the hard work that you put in it. - But I don't like to rip either. If it's a lot of ripping, you might want to leave it overnight and look at it tomorrow, maybe it will look a lot better!! I hope you will post pics when you are finished with it.:cool:

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I find for some reason that I tense up more if I have an exact vision of what I want but don't have lines to follow. In that case I'll use some school chalk to pre-mark it a little and get it to what I want. Then I don't let my daughter in because her eye is even more critical than mine! :P:P:P I just had a piece on that I ended up ripping out after she pointed out my mistakes. She will be my first judging and if it makes it past her then I should be golden! :P:P:P

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Stephanie.. can you make yourself stand at the door or across the room, and pick out what you see as a mistake? If not, try to just leave it.. Once you are done you will feel so good, and I'm thinking you will also tend to not see the "mistakes" once it is washed, or just rinsed and blocked.

Why are we all, or most of us, so critical of our work? I'm the same way.. lol, makes no sense, huh?

Good luck with the rest of it..


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Hey Stephanie,

No more ripping! Are you using a high contrast thread? That will show everything. Before you rip more, take a break and come back to it later. It probably doesn't look as bad as you thought it did before.

And here are some wise words from Sherry Rogers-Harrison: "Same colored thread is your friend" :)

PS: I am one of those that appreciates the imperfections in quilting. It looks like a real honest to goodness human being quilted it.

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