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What I found out today!

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Hi Tracie,

If you are just starting out with SID it is tough on a longarm. It does get better with practice! It also depends on how well the top is pieced...if the seams are straight, and if they are pressed in the right direction on the back makes it is easier to SID....

Make sure you are using a base on you rmachine and use a ruler that is not too long. I prefer to use Janet-Lee's favorite ruler made by the Gadget Girls or the small ruler that came with my base expander to do SID. Another hint is to use a clear thread such as monopoly until you get better at stitching in the ditch as the clear color hides any imperfections in the stitches.

Keep at it, you'll see you'll get better in no time!

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Yes SID is difficult but like Nadia said it gets better with practice. I love my dainty ditcher for SID and I give myself permission to go slow! We had a local guild meeting Monday night and one of our guild members announced, "It must be so much easier to SID on a longarm!" LOL she doesn't have a clue. I think SID is one of the only things easier on a DM, aside from man handling the quilt! Don't give up! Just keep practicing and one day you will look back and wonder why you thought it was so hard!:P:P:P

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Hi Tracie. Like everyone else said, it gets easier with practice. Just make sure you are using a ruler that is not too big. I had the SID ruler from Off the Edge and love it.

A couple of other tips:

1. Don't watch the needle!! Watch ahead of the needle and trust that your hands will follow your eyes. It's a hard habit to get into, but it does make a difference.

2. Don't sew beyond the area where your hand is holding the ruler. Otherwise, it's very easy to lose control, here's a link I found on You Tube:

Don't get discouraged. Just keep practicing and you'll get it!!


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Whatever you do don't throw in the towel....its one of the many things we find that needs a ton of practice.... SID came easier for me than feathers because I had listened to the others tell me how to do it, still fighting feathers....they just don't come as easy for me. I mke mine fat and chubby and that's not what they are suppose to look like I'm told....MINE DO...so we each carry own nemesis. Hang in there and you will feel more comfortable with time and practice.

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Linda Taylor says that SID is fun and we ALL LOVE IT! :mad: Keep telling yourself that and one day you WILL believe it. Debbie in Des Moines, that Youtube was a great motivational tool to learn SID. :D The ruler helps greatly and don't try to do a whole bunch at once. USE THE RULER.

Good luck and hang in there! Sometimes I hear the words coming out of my mouth "Oh, you want just SID all over? OK that won't take long" :P AAAAARRRRGGGGGG Many hours later...

It's worth taking your time and doing a good job. We all wobble a little, but it's not the end of the road--just a little detour. Now, SID around an applique, that's difficult.:mad:

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Thank you all for your encouraging words. I have to remember that you all have been PPP and so do I. I have only been doing this for a month and I just need to give myself a break and hopefully I can look back at this post a year from now and smile. :cool:a I will tell myself over and over, "I can do this" and someday it will be true.


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A MONTH....man if you are even trying to do SID at a month you are an over-achiever.;)

All joking aside...remember to breath, when I had had my machine a month, I thought I was pretty hot stuff that I could load a quilt and stipple it from head to toe, and here you are tackling the hard stuff. In a couple of more months this day will seem like a piece of cake...don't fret about it, and as you said continue to PPP and with that will come perfections and happy smiles.:cool:

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I agree with everyone else, but I have another tip, don't take a class from our Sue P and then feel bad that you can't just run with your machine and have it all be perfect. :D Just kidding, watching her actually gave me the boost I needed to go home and keep at it. I think not having a death grip on the handle is one of the hardest things to learn other than breathing.

Bonnie my feathers still don't even look like feathers, I would be very happy with fat ones.

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