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I am as ok as I can be. Everyday brings new and painful surprises, but God has a plan and I am trying to have the inner strength to let Him play it out. I have not been home in over 3 weeks due to travel issues, as Patty Jo well knows. Meanwhile, I go on day by day, one foot then the other. It is going to get better--it has to. :P:P:P:P

And I miss my quilting. Have not touched a sewing machine or Lola in 6 weeks. I am hoping to go home for the weekend, but I have meetings in Portland that I must go to next week. Or do I?????;);););)

By this time next year, it will all have been a bad dream. Life will go on, I will go on. What amazes me is all of you even remembering. Another gift that I probably have not earned, but cherish without restraint. Love you all!!


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Nancy Jo, I have thought of you so often. if you ever need a place to stay while in Portland you can always use my spare bedroom. I would even let you quilt on my beasty.

Glad that you are making it through each day. You are so strong. read with interest the doors He is opening to you with regards to the family you lost so many years ago. Isn't He something.

My prayers are still going upward for your complete healing from this horrible time in your life.

please keep in touch. would call but don't have your phone number in my new phone and the old one kind of bit the dust in the toilet bowl.

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