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raffle quilts

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Hi!! I just got these 2 quilts today. They are for a raffle that our town quilt club does at the big show in Oct. They want them by the end of March, which is not a problem for me to get them done, just not sure what to do ON them! Any ideas? thanks!! linda The first one, she wants some kind of fleur de leis on the main block. I think I have that pretty much covered with a stencil I have, but not sure what to do with the rest of it.


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I don't know what I would do with the first one, so it would wait a while, I would start with the second. Around here quilts with feathers on raise more and that one would look great with a rolling feather in the green areas. I'm not sure what size it is but I think the centre square would probably end up with a flower in it and continuous curve type pattern in the floral areas around the red star. If they aren't too big I would quite like to leave the red areas to raise up.

I would be hoping the first quilt started talking to me while I did the second.


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I think I would just to a pretty E2E on the first one, something like Tea Rose. It's easy but looks very elegant. You could always find a nice varigated thread. That way you won't have a ton of time invested in custom work and it should still sell well!

I don't have ideas for the smaller one. It's one of those I would throw on the machine and let my fingers do the walking. Sometimes I surprise myself with what I come up with that way. Nothin' like I thought when I started.:D

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Linda, I'm not a frame long armer, so am not sure what would work easiest for you. With the green squares and the swirlies, I picture the swirly/feather moving around the full band of green instead of individual blocks.

I really like the proposed designs in the last photos. The bottom one looks like even I could do the cream triangles.

Very pretty, Have fun

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How does the quilting effect the fund raising potential in your area? I know that here e2e is much less attractive to ticket buyers, so if it is a fund I want to support I will put in as much time as I can spare. If it doesn't effect the ticket sales in your area then time spent might be less worth while.

Although these quilts are always very good advertising, they will be promoted more than most customer work.


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Hi Ferret! I'm not sure how it effects the ticket sales, but I know that I would want to see custom. I would think that it would make a difference! Last year, for their "pink quilt" for breast cancer, I quilted it with an all over meandering feather and it went for almost $600!!! Now, I don't know if the quilting had anything to do with it bringing in that much or the person buying it was just extra passionent about the breast cancer awarness! I'm glad you like the 2nd one, cause that was the one I was thinking. I think the ribbon candy in the small cream areas around the blocks kind of will comliment the triangles in the middle square. Thanks for your imput!! linda

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