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I am stumpped!! need ideas

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Hi! I need ideas for the red part of this quilt. Can someone tell me how to get my picture from paint back on to here, (this chat)? I can get it to paint and mess with it, but then can't figure out how to get it back. I could show you the ideas I have for the rest of the quilt, then maybe you all could help me with the red parts....I am at a complete brain fade for that part of the quilt. This is the other raffle quilt I am doing for our town's quilt club. thanks~! linda


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Dory and Heidi, I tried what you said, but it wouldn't come up. So, I am going to post just what I want to do and maybe you can help me from that. Hi again! thanks for the help in how to do the pictures... I will attempt to do it. My drawing is NOT GOOD, so you have to use your imagination!:D The middle is a circle feather wreath The green blocks around the middle is a feather meander, (I just didn't try to draw all the feathers) The Triangles off the middle are lines and then a cross hatch at the end. the triangels on the outside have half feathers in them. the 90 degree green areas are crosshatched. The 2small outside borders will have a leaf meander on it. So, REALLY use your imagination, and see if you can help me with the red parts! THANKS!! linda

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Heidi, Hi! I like!! Are you still leaving the red alone? What about those bigger pieces in the red? Do I need to come up with a stencil so all the feathers are the same, or just freehand them? What do you think? Thanks! and HOW DO you do that with the paint? I noticed on another thread that your drawing was so good!! What's your secret??? I want what ever you have!!:) linda

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WOW--great ideas and it will be gorgeous!! I will throw in about the red--either SID or CC those triangles, and put a feathered curl in the corner "dart" shapes. This would be in line with all the rest of the pretty feathers. That corner area is too big to leave unquilted. Just a thought.

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Hi Linda! thanks for the input!! I got my crosshatching rulers today!! I am so excited to use them on this quilt! I will have to wait till next week though, we are heading for South Carolina tomorrow to see our son's and daughter's families.....That means my sweet GRAndbBABIES!!!:):):) linda

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Linda, I think the red is too big to leave unquilted. The HSTs' might be ok to leave, but not the bigger areas. After all, someone is going to win this and you have no way of knowing hbow it will be used so rather than have it get abused and then get blamed becaus it didn't "hold up" why not do the opposite? Pack the reds flat. You have wonderful ideas for the rest of it so that will be drop dead gorgeous. You could do pebbles of various sizes in the red, or do freehand lines spaced about 1/4' apart in all the red. I'd do the lines, maybe make them shaky wavy, and make the point to the center of the quilt. Or even do both, pebbles inthe small areas and lines in those bigger sections.

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Glad you like it. I guess when I reduced it you couldn't see the black drawing on the red. Here it is in white. I would use red thread so the quilting showed but not the thread. I think it would make it very elegant. For the feathers I would do a stencil for the spine and freehand the rest. I think that was all the questions. Oh yeah on the paint well now you want me to tell you my secrets too?! Nothing fancy I have a tablet and use a pen so I can draw. I love it! My boss bought me a really nice computer as a bonus because he doesn't pay me near enough!:P:P:P He told me to get what I wanted so I did! There are touch screen pads you can buy and they are only around $100 or so. Well worth it if you ask me!


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