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NQR Sherry - how is the fitness program coming along?

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I went to the gym this morning, the first time since the end of January. It sure felt good to work out to funky music and other people in a class setting.

I thought about the New Year's group that Sherry started and wondered how it was going for you. I haven't seen anything here because I knew you were doing a Facebook group.

Just thought I'd bring it up and send words of encouragement. I'm back "on the wagon" after falling off and just wanted to say that it doesn't hurt to take a break. Just get back and keep on looking ahead.:D

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HI Bonnie

We still have a few active members and some super dedicated super woman (whom will remain un-named ) Linda A and Beth and Patty...oops I said it. Many are still working their programs and checking in now and then. Me....I have not been as active on the site as I have been super busy getting this quilt finished and being a guardian to my 16 year old Grandson. However I am still losing the pounds (albiet slowley) I put on after I quit smoking 2 years ago which was exactly my goal!

Come join us and help keep the chatter up, nobody is ever turned away!

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Thanks for the invite Sherry. One chat forum is enough for me---talk about losing pounds? I need to gain some extra time right now. I just wanted you to know I think about you and the great effort it takes to lose those "fluffy" pounds. For me it's lose two, gain one, lose three, gain two. . .arrrhggghhhh. I'm NOT giving up though.

Keep up the endurance and may the best intentions win!

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Originally posted by SherryRogers

being a guardian to my 16 year old Grandson.

WELCOME to the grandparent guardian club.....we too are raising our oldest Granddaughter....who just turned 15 a couple of weeks ago....we've had her for almost 4 years now.

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Well I'll share. I've ridden 550 miles so far this year. My initial goal is 1000 by the end of the year. Gosh, do you think I can make it that far? I do need to increase my distances, I want to be able to ride to the quilt shop (32 miles round trip) this summer. My brother and I are doing the "Monster Cookie Metric Century" ride in April. 62 miles. I'll keep you posted.

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I've been excercising since January. I am determined to lose weight so I'll feel better. I feel like I've slept the last year away and now I'm tired of feeling like crap!

So, the kids got me wii-fit for my b-day in January and I've been doing that pretty steady. The last few days I've actually made friends with my treadmill. I have a friend who has an infrared sauna in her shop and she asked me to try it out for a couple of weeks so we could see the effects.

Well, I haven't lost any weight yet but yesterday I felt my top two ribs! I often feel the slight ache in my muscles, too, so I know that my activity is paying off.

I also started back on my vitamin and supplement regime. I really notice an increase in my energy and I'm not sleeping my afternoons away any more.

I guess I'm feeling kind of proud and hope I'm on my way to losing the 20 or 30 lbs that I'd like to lose this year.

Thanks for listening....Sandra

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Bonnie, Sandra, Beth and everyone..good for you guys. Beth, you'll be riding to that quilt shop in no time!! I haven't been very active on the Facebook chat, but I have been keeping up the exercise. I'm on the elliptical most M-TH for 30 minutes from 5:30 to 6. Then the treadmill for a bit to stretch, if there's time, then work. I'm off F-Sunday, so its harder for me to do it, but I usually manage two days of the weekend. Unfortunately, all this is getting me is a big FAT nothing...I've only lost the same 3 lbs over and over.

I go back to the surgeon that did my back in two weeks and will get the okay from him for some real exercise. I just bought an exercise DVD and hope that with more targeted exercise, I may actually lose some more weight and get more fit! It has to kick in sometime!!

Sandra, what vitamins and supplements are you taking. I'm not taking anything except some glucosamine now, although I need to start taking Calcium.

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Well, I've been riding the stationary bike for 55 minutes every morning M-F and golfing (no cart) on the weekends. I haven't really lost any weight but my endurance is much improved. I can climb the hills at the golf course without getting so out of breath.

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Well, I check in here also. Since January, I've lost 25 lbs. then gained 2, lost 2, gained 2, etc......So for the last 4 weeks or so, I've stayed about the same. But not gaining beyond that 2 lbs. I'm back down to the 25 lbs lost and hopefully will not gain any again. I'm still wanting to loose at least another 25 or so lbs. I tried using the eliptical that DH bought to help keep himself in shape through the winters, but it just wasn't working for me so I sold it and now, I'm not doing much for exercise but with Spring right around the corner, I'll start walking again. ;)

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I take a good multi-vitamin. I have started taking calcium recently. I take an iron supplement called Floradix ~ it is quite natural so I don't get the side effects (constipation) that you can get from other iron pills. I've also recently started taking a garlic pill. I take an omega, too.

I also take grape seed extract pills. The main purpose of these, I think, is for an anti-oxidant but I take them because they build up the histamines in the body. I usually have terrific hay-fever from mid-summer to the first frost in October, but the grape seed has taken care of about 85% of it!!! That three months has always been the worst for me, but not any more. Also, I don't have to put up with the side-effect of the allergy medicines~ bonus!!!

I've also been trying to drink more herbal teas and green tea. Also, been trying to cut out the night-time snacking...sooooo hard. I know I don't want to cut out all my favourites...pastries, chocolate, etc...life is too short, right? But I can try to control it a bit, I guess :(

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Wow Patty Jo, 25 pounds?!?! That's an incredible amount in so short a time. Good for you! Yeah, keeping it off is the biggest challenge. You just about have to change your whole lifestyle to keep it off. When you stop to think how it got there in the first place, it makes sense.

BTW I take Costco calcium--Kirkland, the cheapest I can find. And I buy Trader Joe's Women's Once a day multi-vitamin with minerals. It works for me.

And I drink my quota of water every day. Take half you weight and that's how many ounces you should drink in a day. i.e. 140 pounds= 70 ounces (that's just about eight 8 oz glasses of water)

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I will check in too. Now that Patty Jo has not lost any more than the 25 ( Iseemed to gain everytime she lost LOL) I have lost a pound. not where I wanted to be, but it is a start and I am trying to get up at 5 so I can get some exercising in before work but so far the only exercising that is happening is raising my head to see what time it is:P. Congratulations again Patty Jo on your 25 pounds that is wonderful

Beth I am sooooo impressed. Perhaps if I can find an old Schwinn without gears I could ride again. Some of us are just a little bit challenged when it comes to shifting speeds. I am very proud of you.

I haven't been active on my facebook either but I think about it every day.

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Patty Jo, get that house sold and invest in a treadmill for next winter. Wow, 25 pounds is terrific. I'm very proud of you (do you like how adult that was?? I really wanted to say how jealous I am:P). Keep up the good work; more will come off when your body is ready.

Bonnie, you're taking a bunch of good-for-you pills. I'm glad the grape-seed ones are working for your allergies. I don't have them, but I have friends who do and they're miserable!

Bekah, they make bikes without any gears at all now and they're really cute. I bet you could find one, especially in Oregon where everyone bikes.

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Well I haven't joined in Sherry's facebook but I guess I need to. I wasn't going to do facebook because I just don't have the time for something else but a quilting buddy got me to open an account. I don't know how much I'll use it but a few long lost friends have gotten in touch with me and that is wonderful!

I've started my excercise routine about 2 weeks before Christmas. I'm down about 16 pounds now. It has been a slow go though! I decided about a month ago that going to the gym after work was taking too much of my quilting time so I am now getting up at 5:30 am and hitting the gym for an hour 3 days a week before work. On T/Th I do Jillian Michael's (trainer on the Biggest Looser) 30 day Shred. It is a 27 minute killer workout. I call her all kinds of colorful names! LOL good thing she can't hear me because I'm really sure she could kick my butt :P:P:P:P:P:P! I'm finally up to level 3 although I do have to do some of the easier versions available. I really try to do this 5 days a week and take off the weekends. My collapsed lung set me back a little but not much. I've adjusted my gym workout. I was doing 1 hour on the elliptical but now do the circuit training course, about 15 minutes, and then 45 minutes on the elliptical. I couldn't handle the pain on the elliptical with the lung problem so I was doing the treadmill slowly. Then I hurt my foot and can't do the treadmill right now. I have no idea what I did to it but it is the ball of my foot and it just plain hurts too much. As of last week I could finally do the elliptical again and I'm back up to my 45 minutes. It has been a long month! I still want to loose another 20 and hope to have off another 15 before my son's wedding in May. I was so confident that I would loose that I ordered my dress a size smaller! LOL it better fit!

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What everyone has said to you is perfectly accurate. My Weight Watchers leader made a comment about "maybe you couldn't climb the stairs without being short of breath." Boy howdy, was that me! I'd be cleaning the house, and have to take a break to rest! Good grief. Now I start getting cranky if I don't get my ride in. Now that we're into daylight savings time, it'll be easier to ride on Sat. after I finish at the shop.

Bekah, I've seen the cutest pink bikes at Bike Gallery on Division. I think they even have a basket in the front. Also available in blue. They appear to be single speed, big, fat tires for a smooth ride. Just remember your helmet, and watch when you cross the Max tracks. Brother fell off and broke his arm there last year.

Everyone, keep us posted. I hope to have some fabulous news to report in about a month. Weight related.

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Thanks, Beth!

Just wondering if anyone has ever done cleansing. Was at the health store today investigating on one. This one would be done over a number of months since you start with the cleanse, then parasite cleanse, candida cleanse, liver, then heavy metal. I have tried a simple 1 or 2 week cleanse before but nothing as complete as this!

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Heidi, I know you don't want to hear this but the pain in your foot may be gout... I started getting gout in my eary 20's. It felt like I broke my toe at the ball joint. I used to wear those beautiful 3+" spikes to work everyday. Loved to dress up! Now I have "dress" sweats... LOL I usually wear Khaki's or sweats now.

My son gave me a YMCA membership, and after I get my great-niece Ana on the bus everyday, I go walk and do some reps on the machines. I think it's helping with my stamina. I don't take as many naps! LOL... I hope to loose most of the approximately 80 lbs. I gained with the new hip! I'll probably have LOTS of energy then!

I hope you don't have gout, but check it out.

Sounds like everyone is doing really well on their programs!

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I have no idea what gout is but Isure hope I don't have it! I rarely ever wear heals though. Usually flats for me. I love my clogs! I keep saying if it doesn't get better I'll go in but I still haven't gone in for that. Having my lung collapse was enough to deal with! LOL I hate going to the doctors! Lung is healed though. The only time I have pain is when I sneeze and it is so much better! Hopefully the foot will not hurt either. I'm still getting some pain though.

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Go to the dr's about your foot, Heidi! If it is the gout you'll need some pills. My dad is a chronic gout sufferer and my son had it last summer. It's not caused by the shoes you wear, so the fact that you don't wear heels doesn't matter. Is it kind of swollen and red? If it gets bad, even the slightest touch could really cause you pain...my dad used to sleep with his foot in a box so that the weight of the sheets wouldn't hurt him!

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