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MQX Get Together?

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There seems to be lots of chat about MQS, but not as much about MQX. I, for one, am starting to get really excited as it's just over two weeks away.

I'm looking forward to seeing Heidi again, meeting Bonnie and any others from the forum who plan on attending.

Can we set a day, time and location to meet? Since this is my first time, I wouldn't know where to suggest, but I'd really like the opportunity for us all to meet.

I've got my 'want' list all ready and I'm counting down the days...:D

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Hi Irene,

I think Dianne is going to get ribbons for us but I haven't heard anymore on this. I did find a room at the Radisson so Charlotte and I will arrive Wed. evening (trying to get out of work by 1 or so) and staying until Sat. I would love to get together with everybody. There are some areas where we may be able to get a group together. Not sure how many people there are. I'd suggest we do it later in the evening since people will be in classes during the day. Classes end at 6 don't they? I'm sure many will be at the banquet Friday night. I wonder if there is anyway for us all to sit together. That would be fun.

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I am going as well. will get there Weds afternoon until either Friday or sat. we have left that up in the air because we only have morning class on friday so depending on how tired or what we haven't seen yet we may stay over friday night till sat morning. My sister from VT is meeting me there. I am getting very excited too as it is my first time as well. Jeanne

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Guest Linda S

I'll be there too, both taking and teaching classes. I get there on Sunday and don't leave till the following Sunday. This will be my 5th MQX. There is a nice lobby with a fireplace where we could all meet at the Radisson, or there's always JD's (the tavern inside the Radisson). I'm going to the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, the Preview on Wednesday night, the fashion show on Thursday (I'm generally a high-fashion model at the fashion show :cool: ) and I'll be at the banquet too. I haven't heard any more about the ribbons, but I think they would really help us to find one another.


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We're arriving Tuesday night, hopefully in time for the Ice Cream Social and are also attending the Fashion Show and Banquet.

I just received my registration package in the mail today - WOO HOO!

Since neither my friend or I have classes until 4 on Wednesday, we are planning a trip to Keepsake Quilting that day. Even with the exchange on the dollar, the U.S. fabric is still a deal compared to what we pay.

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I'll be there too. We arrive Tues. and leave Sunday. You will find me most everyday working at the APQS booth. Stop by and say hello!

If you come up with ribbons or something to identify ourselves I'd be happy to keep them at the booth for folks to pick up there.

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This will be my first time also, I am very excited about it.

I arrive Monday night, and have classes Tues-Fri, with some breaks to shop of course (and, oh yea, see the show!). I was only able to get the Radisson for Monday & Tuesday, hoping they will have cancellations but so far no luck, so I have booked the Hilton for Wed.-Fri. I leave Saturday morning. I am thinking I should just cancel the Radisson & stay at the Hilton the whole time so I don't have to move. Anyone have suggestions about these hotels? Is anyone else at the Hilton?

I will check in with APQS as soon as I get there -- in fact, my first class is Amy's APQS maintenance class at 8 am on Tuesday. Have that ribbon ready for me! I was hoping to get to see the show that afternoon, but I guess it will not be open yet, so I can probably use the time to sleep off the jet lag. Actually it will not be that much of a lag, I am only coming from New Orleans, and I will be having a class from Sandra G in Louisiana, so I will be primed!

I am looking forward to meeting all of you in person, finally!

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Keep calling the Radisson. Morning and evening. It is so much easier to stay right there. That way you can go drop off your loot and go back for more! You never know what the weather will be either. The year before last we had a big storm roll in. YOu will really enjoy it but don't be shocked if you are overwhelmed by day 3!

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I have been off the chat for the past few days, just busy with everything else. I promise to get ribbons for everyone attending MQX. I don't get to Manchester till Wed, but will get them up there earlier than that. I personally would like to know who I'm chatting with. I'll bring my camera and we can all get a group picture as well. I am in class Wed 10A to 10P. I'm not sure if that was sure a smart thing to do, I got so excited when the catalog came out.


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I am going to be there with Heidi. It will be my second year. I am signed up for the banquet and a morning breakfast with Dawn about tension and a couple of classes for beginners and confident beginners. I have a wish list of things that I "have to have" and hope my money holds out. I look forward to seeing everyone from this forum who is going. The lobby seems to be a good place to meet. Maybe after the sneak preview on Wednesday night might work.


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When is the breakfast with Dawn? How did I miss the banquet? I need to look the catalog over again. I don't think that I will need a ribbon. Just look for the person with the glazed over look in their eyes. If you guys are all getting together on Wed., please wait for me, I'm in some class till 10p.


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weds night will be good but I dont know if I will last until 10pm as I will be getting up by 4 am to fly in Weds morning, but maybe if the adrenaline is still pumping from such and exciting day. If we get in early enough may just have to take a rest first. My sister is coming and she tires easily from having been through Chemo and radiation a few years back. Doing fine but her stamina never completely came back fully. my only class on weds it 4 to 6

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Heidi Very true once we have met for the first time at least when we see each other later on we would know who was who . i have not been so don't know where the best place might be or when. our room is at another hotel about a half mile away so we cannot check in and out easily. is the armory and expo in the same building?

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I will be there also. And I have a quilt in the show, "The Brightest New Star". I don't own the quilt, it's a client's but I quilted it. It's based on the Carpenters Wheel in bright color on black. As for classes, I have no idea what I'm taking yet. I'm just going to have to hunker down and get to it...............Love to see all.


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I am flying in on Monday morning and have my first class on Monday afternoon. I fly home on Saturday evening.

Dianne (DB) will be staying with me at the Raddison on Wednesday night only, so if anyone needs a room, I have an extra bed on the other nights (just not Wednesday night). If anyone is really stuck for Wednesday night, perhaps we can make some "special" arrangements - like a cot or the floor, or something.

Let me know.

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Yes they are both in the same building. Have you considered calling to see if a room has opened up at the Radisson. Charlotte and I got our room in the last 2 weeks. We got 2 of the days one time and then finally the last day last week. It is so much easier to be in the same hotel. You are right it would be easier to identify people if we meet early on. I think we could meet in the lobby to the left of the reception desk. That area should be fairly empty... I hope by evening. I think after the sneak peak people will either head to the Tavern or their rooms. If it is not crazy in the tavern we could try to get a table if we wanted. Even if we just meet for 20 minutes or so that would be good. We'll have to set up a time to meet up with Dianne too since she won't be done until 10 pm!

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