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Finally doing taxes,? about inventory

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Hi Linda, I'm sure that someone here will have a better answer for you, but I didn't treat my thread or batting as inventory that had to be counted. Rather, they were treated as supplies for the business. My accountant wanted an inventory, but I explained that other than listing the thread I'd purchased, I had no way of know how much was left.

And hey, don't be too hard on yourself...its not April yet!;)

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I would agree with Dory, thread should be treated as supplies not inventory, you don't outright sell your thread you use it up as a supply in the process of quilting. Now if you sold it to others that might be different. Remember anything that is inventory is also depreciated, I cannot see depreciating thread as an asset. Just from a bookkeepers point of view.

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Guest Linda S

According to Turbo Tax (but check this to be sure) if you do under a million in sales a year, you don't need to track inventory.

I put thread and batting under supplies.


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Linda I was going to say the same thing. I don't track inventory. Here is how I explained it, my batting is my paper and my thread is my ink...sounds like office supplies now, right? I think only if you are going to sell thread and battting outside of selling them with the quilting service would probably have to do inventory.

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I know that several fabric stores here weigh their fabric. They have a formula that takes out the bolt weight and figure out how much an average yard of fabric weighs. If you really need to inventory the thread I wonder if you could do something like that.

With the weight of a brand new cone and the weight of the empty cone you should be able to figure out the % left by weighing a partial cone.

Of course if your situation allows you to not inventory that would be the easiest solution. :)

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I'm not sure I agree with the comment regarding depreciating inventory - you depreciate assets (like your long-arm) because they have a life after which they wear out and need to be replaced.

While Federal doesn't require you to track inventory of under $1M, my state (Maryland) DOES requires me to track inventory.

I track how much my thread cost me (purchase price), and also track usage (one bobbin of Bottom Line = 200 yards, times how much 200 yards cost me). The difference is how much I have left in inventory.

Good luck -


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