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Just heard from Rita

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I just talked to Rita and she sounds great. She said she feels wonderful and isn't using her cane. They are in California and soon heading to Oregon. Needs Linda Rech's phone number.

Pray for good weather as they travel up the coast. We're supposed to get rain all next week. I'm hoping it's the dry rain sort.:D

I'll keep posting as I hear.

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Here is your "Where in the World is Rita" Report****

I just talked to her on the phone--they are in Napa, will head North early next week to light in Oregon. They will visit lots of chatters and old friends, and then come farther North to visit Washington (more old friends plus Den and I--yay!) the next week.

Rita sounds wonderful and spirited. We are planning to stuff her with seafood and hug them both like crazy! I will post a photo or two after the visit.:)

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Hi Folks, Yes, I'm having a ball, feeling so good, even climbing full flights of stairs without aid.. not been able to do that in many years.

Feeling super well in ALL ways.

Himself is also staying well and says he's feeling fine and enjoying the trip. I hope he is.

we are in Newport OR. for two nights, for crab fishing.. hope it works.. lol.. then on up near Bonnie R. I guess we will miss many of the camper friends, as they are out on a group campout.. hope to meet some other quilters from this board.. after OR, we head up to Linda and Denny's, then on up to North Bend to visit my niece, before heading east with many stops along the way.

Jeanne, sure glad the fires didn't get you.. and am so sorry, if they did.. Heidi M. shall try to get hours figured out with our doings and your work hours to give you a call. we have a new cell phone, first parts are 919-721, shant post the rest of it here. check emails.

I don't want the trip to end, yet cant wait to get to quilt.. not buying much of anything.. only a couple pieces of fabric so far.

Must get some sleep so I can pull the crab traps in, full of crab I hope.

Miss you all, hugs and more hugs.. yup, we love hugs...


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Rita so glad you are feeling better and having a good trip with himself. At least you did get to see Oregon in the sun but it looks like today is not so sunny. Have fun crabbing though and enjoy the rest of your trip.

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So good to hear from you and that you are well and enjoying yourself immensely. We were not anywhere close to the fires so we are all well also.


Hope you trip to NC goes well. Where in NC is the wedding going to be?

I have a daughter in Charlotte and a son in Fayetteville, NC

The son's place is pretty close to Rita's .

Hoping to get up to see her once she comes back to the southeast!!

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