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NQR Off line for a while

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I just thought I'd let you know that starting Monday I'll be off line for a month or so. Don't worry. It's just that time of year that I will be outside and away from the computer. Garden to plant and tend, vacation, helping DH with summer projects, and enough that I can't spend much time here. I am making fall blocks and will post when they're done. I will have some opportunity to skim the forum maybe once a week, but no time to chat.

I'll miss you and probably experience withdrawal from the habit. Take care, and keep your fingers out of the rotary hook while I'm gone.:P I'll be back around the middle of July and I'll bring some souvenirs for you all.:cool:

Thanks for the friendship and support. Pay it forward!:)

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Boni you will be missed! Do you want to come work on my gardens too? LOL I spent 5 hours in my gardens yesterday and they screamed at me the whole time. They were saying, "What the hell did you think the weeds would just go away on their own?" LOL I had all kinds of plans of getting out there but then the lung collapse and unfortunately bending over is just out of the question. I got a little less than half done yesterday. I'll spend a few hours today but the back won't take much more than that. Next weekend I'll do more. Then I have to mulch them all! I love my flowers but boy I hate weeding!

I hope you get all your projects done.

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Boni, please email me about something we talked about.. so I can get it settled in my mind at least.. can't find your email addy.. know I have it. Can't find your phone no. yet, know I have it.. I'm such a thunderhead.

Love ya. more when I get an email..


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Thanks Y'all again. I'll check the forum once more tomorrow morning, then I'm off to lala land, sunshine and mud, and grandchildren. :D

You all have fun and don't forget to post a lot of gorgeous pictures while I'm gone. I'm going to look at every one of them when I'm back.:)

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