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Hi all, I am a user of mqresource but I was wondering if any of you are 'subscription' members and if it is worth the $$$. I had a subscription to The quilting School for a year and it was pretty much useless for me. Any advice?? Thanks ladies.

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I've been taking Adam's wholecloth classes and from his first couple of videos - I've gotten my feathers much better. It's been worth it for me for that one aspect alone. I haven't finished my wholecloth yet but will in a month or so.

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The videos for premier members only are well worth the cost. And the cost is low for all the fabulous info you get. I took Deb Levy's Custom Quilting class and although I was too busy at the time to actively participate, the information I got from the class, Deb and the other participants was invaluable.

Next to this forum ;), MQResource is the best!

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Definately yes IMHO. I took Adams wholecloth classes too. They are very good. It will be a while though before I am ready to attempt doing a wholecloth myself.:D

Deb Levy's vidoes are also very good. They usually post two a month. Well worth the yearly subscription ,which is very reasonable.

You do have to pay extra though for the classes like Adams wholecloth class which ran over 5 weeks, but being a Premier member you get a discount.

hope this helps

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Definitely worth the very very low cost to be a premier member. I like to support my quilting industry in any way I can and I can do this by subscribing to things like this. But the real reason I do it is so I can learn. As far as I'm concerned, anything that can give me some education (cheap) i am all for it. :)

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Ditto ditto! Well worth the price. I've learned so much from those videos. AND you can buy them for about $14 a quarter years worth for those that don't have high speed. I'll probably do that just to have them to watch over and over since I'm on a limited use internet (hughes net, only lets you up/download 200 mb a day or they punish you by bumping you down to dial up speed for 24 hrs).

I LOVE MQResource!

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I agree wholeheartedly! This forum and MQR are the only longarm quilting groups that I belong to. Both are very differently "flavored". MQR is not machine-specific, although there are many A-1 users in that group. The Premier

Membership is definitely worth it and VERY reasonable compared to some of the other sites. It entitles you to access videos on techniques, that are offered up every couple of weeks.

The MQR classes that have been offered up this year have been excellent and I have learned alot. I intend to take the next - "Feather Bootcamp" August 3 - August 28 taught by Suzanne Earley. These online classes are certainly worth it! Well-done and the best part is being able to watch these videos, anytime and repeatedly and in PJ's:P!

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I just got Deb Levy's DVD last week and it is EXCELLENT! There is so much information packed into it for the low cost of the DVD. I subscribed to "The Quilt Show" when it first came out and found it was a total waste of money (for me, anyway). With MQR being longarm specific, I think it will be well worth the money.

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