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South of the Border challenge

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I have taken the challenge you apqs chatters proposed and I am going to enter the MQS show next year! I was talking to my husband this morning about it and told him I was going to give it a go but the South of the Border title really had me stumped. He immediately came up with an idea I was inspired by and am off and running. I am so excited!

Remember, the challenge is for all of you, too.

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This is my first time too. When they announced the theme....my mind went straight to the name of my quilt and I have been off and running. It may not make it to MQS, who knows, but I am shooting for it. Gosh..I get butterflies just thinking about it. Those same butterflies will feel like elephants doing the ballet closer to May.

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I have two quilts for the theme I want to make, can you imagine me trying to make TWO???? I don't have time now to make ONE!!!!! But come hell or high water I will get them done and entered because I made a promise so the rest have to keep their promises too. ;);) It will be fun, don't worry MB the elephants will go away and everything will be fine......trust me. If I can do it.........I KNOW you can. You are a sooooooooo much better than I am, so don't give it another thought dear friend. :)

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:D:D Okay, lets just get our quilts made or should I say started......:D:D That would be a great beginning.

At MQS this last May we made "pinki" promises at our table and it looks like a few other APQS tables did the same. We all promised to make a quilt, whatever the theme for next yr. would be, and enter it in the quilt show or for auction. So are you going to make the pledge too?? You can make a design you come up with on your own or make a quilt from a pattern....what ever you want to do.

How about it??? ;)

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Originally posted by Rita

ok, guys...tell me more about this challenge...inquiring minds wanna know...NOW! lol Rita


You can find out more by going to www.imqa.org. we are talking about the challenge for the MQS theme catagory next May at MQS. The theme is South of the Border. When you think about it, that can mean different things for different people....should be interesting.

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OK I am gonna tell you about MQS (or any national show for that matter) it is pretty much the same thing as your local county fair only bigger. That's all. Nothing else differs. So, with that perspective in mind, go with the attitude that this is all for FUN and all for SHARING and gosh darned it, people go to these shows because they like to see quilts. They don't care who made them, or how fabulous or how normal the quilts are...people go there because they like to see the quilts. They like to see lots of quilts. Fill the walls top to bottom with quilts. It's a quilt show. It's a show where quilts hang. People who love quilts look at them. It's a form of entertainment and a form of inspiration. Not a big deal. Period end of story. I kept telling myself (as I was making my quilts last year) "Shana, it's just a stupid quilt it does not define who you are, so have fun and try new things and enjoy the journey." That's what I did. It's not a big deal.

Guess what? Marilyn Badger (who is one of my idols) came up to me last May at MQS and told me she really liked my quilt. I about fainted. That made my week. I still get a VBG when I think about that. What a sweet heart she is.

So....Get bizzy on those quilts!! :cool: :D

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Originally posted by sagebrushquilter

It is just a quilt show...it is just a quilt show...it is just a quilt show...like any other! Do I have this right? :D

Yes. Simple as that. :)

Think about it. If everyone was afraid to put a quilt in a national show because they thought they were not good enough, then probably only 10 quilts would hang in the show. Wouldn't it be terrible if you went to a national quilt show and only 10 quilts were hanging and the rest of the walls in the room were bare? Nobody would come to that show ever again because it would be a waste of their time.

It's really cool to see the quilts, and appreciate the variety and creativity and look at the name and location of where this quilt is from. So interesting. It makes our quilty world so wonderful walk through a huge melting pot of quilts from all over the world in one place, and that we all can say we are part of it because we contributed to it and helped to make it happen.

Things don't happen because somebody else does it for you...Things happen because YOU do something about it.

...OK here I am yammering and blabbing and preaching on and on and I haven't even started on my quilt yet. I better get busy, too, I suppose.

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Here is what I would do. I have gone to the IMQA web site. Clicked on MQS History. Clicked on 2009 Catalog. Then looked at "Quilt Section" I have copied the link for anyone that might be interested. This will give you an idea of what they are looking for as far as size of quilts, etc. Of course, this says "Fire and Ice" because that was the theme for 2009.

The theme for 2010 is South of the Border.

Bread and Butter catagory this year is:

1. T-Shirt Quilts

2. Block of the Month

3. Mexican Star

You can sign up for the MQS newsletter at the IMQA web site and you will receive information conserning the show.


Hope this helps everyone...now you know as much as I do ;)

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