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First ? about Lenni

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Hi everyone

I have had a short time playing , and have a couple of questions.

I know that there is a Beep when you turn on SR Mode, but is it supposed to keep beebing while you are stitching in SR mode. ?

Also when in SR mode Lenni is taking 2 to 3 extra stitches when I stop. It does this very slowly.

The Single-stitch function seems to be working okay.

Would I adjust this with the Needle Positioner Adjustment Screw?

Thanks for any advice.

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Let that wear in a little before you start adjusting it. It will sometimes cycle a few extra times until it has warmed up. It is an easy fix if it continues to slowly go up and down a few times the * screw is on the right side of the Lenni standing at the back of the machine about 6 inches up from the bottom directly above the plugins for the stitch regulator. you will see a little circle and inside that hole is the tiny screw. Righty, tighty lefty loosey. so if it is going too fast I would turn it to the left. It doesnt take a very big adjustment to change the speed so turn it only slightly, you will see if it stops completely then it is too slow and vise-versa.

Have fun and let us know how you are doing.

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I am not sure if it is the same on the Lenni, but to adjust my Milli needle up/down so it didn't take the extra stitches, I turned the #8 screw to the right.

Make sure to warm up the machine at least 15 minutes before you make the adjustment.

The beeping of the SR is a safety feature. It may be annoying at first, but as soon as you start stitching it will be background noise. I think new owners find it so annoying at first because with the SR on, you can stop and THINK before you take your next step. While you are trying to THINK that noise will drive you crazy. :P

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I agree with the advice not to start tweaking anything on your machine yet. Allow some "break in" time (like several quilts on and off the frame) so your machine can loosen up its moving parts. After some time PPPing and getting to know the machine maybe then consider opening up the lid and making adjustments with a screwdriver.... Just my humble $.02 :)

Kath, have fun falling in love with your Little Dove.

What a sweet name.

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Thanks so much everyone. Great advice, which I will definately take. I have a lot to learn as I only really ever did loop the loop and meanandering with my shortarm.

Sylvia the Rulermate arrived in the post the same day as Lenni, I will put iI on in the morning.

Thanks again, I am so glad I found this group. You are all so freindly and hepful. Did I mention that it is down to this forum that made my mind up to buy the Lenni :)

Well it is coming up midnight here in the UK so I a going to hit the sack.

Good night everyone

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