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Been a tough summer with my Mom. She passed away on August 16 and now I am trying to get into the swing of things again. I was even thinking of selling my machine! I just felt to overwelmed. Decide not too!!!! Bonnie and Heidi can we get some dates together so we can meet? I will be on vacation this coming week but other than that I will be around. On the weekend of Oct 6 there is a quilt show in Clifton Park at the school. I will be working at my friends booth called 9 Between Us. Love to see you there! Looking forward to hearing from you both. To everyone what a great place to learn from on this forum. You all give me such great inspiration. Wish I could meet you all!:):):):)

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Glad you are back. I know it is hard to get in to the swing of things when some one close to you passes on. I felt the same way when my sister died a few years ago. It occurred to me that she wouldn't want me to stop doing what I loved to do because she wasn't around. So I got up and back in the saddle, so to speak. Really glad I did.

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So sorry to hear about your mom! I know how hard that can be, not mom but dad. Give yourself lots of time. It has been 6 years since I lost my dad and I still have bad weeks.

Which show are you talking about? There is The Empire Quilt Fest on the 17th & 18th at Shen. My guild is one of the guilds sponsoring this. I'll be working both days, although I don't know when yet! I made the raffle quilt for our guild and am anxious to see me win it! LOL I have 3 quilts in the show I did and not sure how many customer quilts, I know of at least 3 or 4. I hear that we will have over 250 quilts at the show so it should be a good show! I'm getting ready to go to Ohio on Monday to Camp Mowana. 3 friends are going with me this year. I can hardly wait. Maybe we can get together after I get back.

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I ache for you losing your Mom to death. It's never easy, you are never over it overnight, let it work, and take your time, maybe a couple months maybe several. Don't let others make you do things you aren't ready to.

Please Accept our condolences, and prayers for peace of mind.


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Originally posted by QUILTMAAMA

Been a tough summer with my Mom. She passed away on August 16 and now I am trying to get into the swing of things again. I was even thinking of selling my machine! I just felt to overwelmed. Decide not too!!!! Bonnie and Heidi can we get some dates together so we can meet? I will be on vacation this coming week but other than that I will be around. On the weekend of Oct 6 there is a quilt show in Clifton Park at the school. I will be working at my friends booth called 9 Between Us. Love to see you there! Looking forward to hearing from you both. To everyone what a great place to learn from on this forum. You all give me such great inspiration. Wish I could meet you all!:):):):)

I will be here, I'm sure....call me and we can set up a date....and then when Heidi gets back we can join her....you don't need to have us both at the same time...we are here whenever you need us. my number is here, and my email is in my profile....Its not easy loosing someone you love and when you are really close to them its even a larger hole. I will be in Troy both the 2nd and the 9th of October, and geting home really early on Saturday mornings, but would be happy to come and visit and hang out on Sundays.... just yell, and it will happen.

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Thank you so much! It is so wonderful to be apart of such great APQS family!!! I am trying to get back into the swing of things because I know that this is my passion. Heidi I will be at Shen that weekend too. I would love to meet up with you. When you get back from your trip we will talk about meeting up at the show if that is all right. Bonnie I would love to meet with you too. I am leaving for vacation tomorrow but will be back next Sunday. Maybe you could come to the show too. Maybe we could have lunch or dinner together and with Heidi. Let's keep in touch! You all have such great ideas for us to learn and improve. Thanks so much to all of you!:):):):)

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Originally posted by QUILTMAAMA

Heidi I will be at Shen that weekend too. I would love to meet up with you. When you get back from your trip we will talk about meeting up at the show if that is all right. Bonnie I would love to meet with you too. I am leaving for vacation tomorrow but will be back next Sunday. Maybe you could come to the show too. Maybe we could have lunch or dinner together and with Heidi. Let's keep in touch!

I'll be at the show but don't know my volunteer schedule yet. As soon as I know it I'll let you know. I told them I would work when they needed me to fill in but not to take all my time...a girl has got to have time to look at the eye candy and shop!

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