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Blocking tips


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I took three classes recently covering quilts for show and thought I would share this blocking hint.

My instructor uses the insulation board available at the home improvement store.

She purchased a garden sprayer as well--the kind with the plunger used to build up pressure in the tank. It sprays a mist continuously and holds about a gallon of water.

The quilt is laid on the board and sprayed until completely saturated. The sprayer is easy on the hands--no pumping the trigger to spritz.

She finds the measurement she is shooting for by the three-measurements method. Then she pins the perimeter.

Here is her secret--she uses her longest rotary ruler to straighten every seam line--most especially the border seams. She lays the ruler on the line and pushes/pulls/pats the seam straight. And pins it all down. Every seam that needs it gets the treatment.

Drying can take up to two days because of the saturation, but she wins big money and never gets dinged for having crooked seam lines.

Just thought I would pass this along.:)

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