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MQS -- I'm getting excited!

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Me, too!! Me, too!!:P:P I'm all registered but haven't given a thought to hotel. First year I was there I shared a room at the Sheraton - nice to be close but a little spendy. Last year I shared a room at the Marriott Courtyard - just across the street from the Convention Center. Price was better, especially shared, but when it rained, the trek to the room was not nice at all.......

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I haven't decided on classes yet! Usually I am signed up for everything by now, then I am calling them to add more as the months go by. This year I am being selective. No more beginner classes for me :) No sir....this year I am sticking to the advanced classes. I was so embarrased one year when I had been a quilter for 3 years and I signed up for a beginner class with Pam Clarke. She asked about the length of time people had been quilting by having us raise our hands, then put them down as she called out the number of years. I was the last man standing and she said, "What are you doing in a beginner class?" Well everyone knows that answer....confidence!! I won't be called out like that again....or, if I see it coming I will lie and put my hand down earlier :D

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MB, i took took some beginners classes. Hell, I felt ya never know when you may learn a new "trick" so what the hell!

I can't believe you havent signed up for a class yet tho!!!!

I only took 1 yes 1 class a day. I want to mingle with the gals, and shop the vender mall daily!

Total relax and down time for me this year!

See you there!

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I'll be there and have one hands on class each day Monday and Tuesday and two lectures on Wednesday scheduled. I tried to hold back after reading posts from others who have attended in previous years about how over booked they had been with classes, taking them back to back. No time for fun and visiting! I am excited to be able to attend this year and look forward to meeting and visiting with others from the forum that will be there!

I wanted to take a class from Claudia Pfeil but her classes are marked Intermediate/Advanced and I'm such a beginner so I compromised and ordered her DVD so that I can take private lessons from her in my home without all you experts laughing at my feathers! :P:P:P

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I'm excited too...but I have to wait for a new credit card!! It's a good thing my DH goes over the bill, item by item, because he found some charges that neither of us remembered. When I checked them out, it appears that the card number was stolen and used to apply for grant research information of all things!! So the company recommended cancelling that number and getting new ones. NOW...I have to wait 7 to 10 days for the new card to arrive!! It also means I have to memorize the new one so I don't have to look it up!! lol

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Carmen, I had not even used a quilting machine of any sort, and have just completed 2 days of classes - in Melbourne, Australia at Sue's Studio - with Claudia and it was such a great time. Claudia is a fantastic teacher!

Who would even think about laughing at your feathers!

You will enjoy her DVD ......when I play it I can imagine that she is right here in the room with me.:D

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