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NQR What's your most embarrassing moment (that you can tell)

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Yikes! I drive home from work singing with the radio. My voice is atrocious. Really atrocious. I step out of the car and start unloading groceries still belting out "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" ala Barbra and Neil. Loud. With arm waving and gestures. We live on two acres with no neighbors in sight. But...the neighbors behind us board and train horses. Yep--there were two teenage girls standing by the fence with their rides--eyes and mouths open, staring at me. I took a bow and scurried into the house. I wonder when it's safe to go get the groceries out of the trunk?

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One time I went to L Vegas with a friend from Australia. This one night we decided to go for smorg...and if you've ever been there you know there's miles and miles of rope to control the people and to keep everyone in line. Well, there was no one in line except for 3 people at the very end, waiting to get in. So I say to Julie, "let's cut across and jump the ropes til we get to the end" and off I went. I did ok til I go to the end, my legs weren't working so good any more and I tripped over that last rope and ended up face down at the feet of those people. I'm not a small woman so they were horrified. I laughed so hard the tears were running down my face...they thought I was hurt but really, it was very funny....and a little embarrassing.


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Okay, it’s been awhile since I’ve replied. I read this post and had many laughs.

So I figure I would way in with one of my embarrassing moments.

Okay it was a week day and both my wife and I had the day off, so we planned a romantic day together.

My step-daughters at the time were 13 and 17 years of age. My wife and I were lying in bed and heard the

normal school morning noise of the girls getting ready for school, we even heard the front door close when they left for school. My wife crawled out of bed about 15 minutes before I did, by this time the girls were gone over two hours. I finally crawled out of bed and heard the shower running. I thought okay I would surprise the wife and seek into the shower with her and start our romantic day off by taking a shower together. So I got undressed and start to step into the shower, to my horrid surprise it wasn’t my wife in the shower, it was my 17 year old step-daughter. Well we both screamed, she grabbed the shower curtain and wrapped herself up and I bolted out of the bathroom. My wife was standing in the next room laughing her ass off. I was just mortified and it was a little uncomfortable for a few days afterwards.

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