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Alzheimer's Name Quilt - Need quilting suggestions

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I am working on a "Name Quilt" for a project Ami Sims started for Alzheimer's awareness and fund raising. A friend submitted my name a few months ago, and I was chosen to participate. I received my packet of information and fabric last week. So, here is an explanation of what this will be.

The quilt top is 6 inches wide by 7 feet long. It consists of 55 narrow purple strips of different fabrics. The backing is a solid purple.

I need to collect 55 names of people who have or had Alzheimer's and write one name on each of the 55 purple strips. After I have that finished, I will need to quilt it. The backing is the same size as the front, so I will be quilting this on my Bernina. There isn't room for me to add muslin to the 4 edges and load it on my longarm.

After I quilt it, I will mail it to a lady in Texas who will organize "binding angels" to finish it.

All told, there will be 182 of these 6 inch by 7 feet quilts hanging side by side. They will be a back drop for 56 9" X 12" art quilts about Alzheimer's. There should be 10,000 names of people who suffered or are still suffering from this terrible disease. This display will travel the country starting in January 2011 and finish in December 2015. At that time, the individual quilts will be auctioned for additional money for Alzheimer's research.

I need 15 more names. If anyone would like to submit a name to me, please U2U me or send me an e-mail.

Now, I am stumped on what to quilt on this top. The names will be put on with a Pigma Pen, then I need to quilt it but still be able to read the names.

If you have any quilting suggestions, please let me know.

I will attempt to attach a picture of my strip. It is laying across my cutting table, so you will only be able to see about 3 feet of the total 7 feet, but it should give you a good visual of what I will be working with.

I think this will be a really incredible display when it is all finished. I hope to get to see it as it tours the country.


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Hi Sandy, I think the monofilament thread would be very nice, or a thin thread like So Fine or Bottom Line would be OK in a lavendar or a light purple color, something subtle that sinks into the background fabric tones. The names you will still be able to read if it's lightly quilted over the top. Because you have to do it on the Bernina, you could quilt a gentle feathery design, meander or swirly curly quilting design that is light, not too heavy. What a lovely project that Ami has created and she has included many quilters world wide to participate. :)

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Thanks, Bonnie. Ragna is number 55 on my quilt and the last of the names I needed.

I really appreciate all the responses you gals have sent me. (((HUGS))) to you all.

Now, I have to start working on it. Due to the continued snow here, my company just put a message out that we will be closed tomorrow. More time to quilt!!!!! :P

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Hi Lisa,

Yes, I did get my 55th name. In fact I was just contacted by someone else that wanted to give me the name of her MIL. What I will do, is send her name to the lady who is helping Ami organize all of this and ask that her name be put on another quilt. It took me about a week to get the 55 names, and I would think some people are having a difficult time getting enough names for their quilt. If you want to contact me via e-mail or U2U, we can discuss this in more detail.


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Ami Simms is my facebook friend and I requested permission to share about her quilts and the sale of them on my profile. I told her about my Mom and Grandmother and she asked if she could put their names on the quilt. I cried. This is such a wonderful project and I have my idea of my mini-quilt that I am going to do in honor of Mom and Mamaw I will post it when done. Huge hugs to all of you who have dealt with this awful disease.

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Hi Sheryl,

I would love to see your mini quilt when you have it finished.

I have heard so many heart felt, emotional stories about what families have gone through, or are currently going through who have been effected by Alzheimer's. I've cried with many of them. This project has now become very important to me. I have to admit that when I was first contacted to do this, I felt great that I was chosen as a quilter. Now I am so emotionally involved, and I am so glad I was chosen, so I can be a small part of this huge project to spread awareness and raise funds for a cure.

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Hi Sandy, I sent you a name yesterday when we were chatting and I'm so touched by it all. Just a quick note to say her name is spelled differently than your reply, so I wanted to give you a heads up, it's MAROLYN C.

I just have a very small suggestion on the quilting. It would be so sweet if you could incorporate a heart here and there amongst the feathers if possible, for these people were all so loved by their family and friends, it would just add a little something special, I think. You must be so proud to be participating in this project and thank you so much.

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I have my "name quilt" finished now. Thank goodness for two snow days here in Philadelphia. I got to sew, in-between shoveling, instead of going to work. :)

I'll attempt to attach some pictures so you get a better idea of what it will look like. It is not trimmed or bound. The instructions say not to do that, because someone else in the group of volunteers will do that part.

I thought I would need to quilt it on my Bernina, but I was alble to get it onto the frame with about a 1/4 inch to spare! It was really a tight fit, but it worked. Lots of muslin on the sides.


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I took a lot of pictures of the different areas to see most of the names.

I want to thank all the people who contacted me and gave me names of their loved ones for this quilt. I have more than my 55 names, so I will be sending the rest of the names to my contact lady in Texas who is helping Ami with the organization of this huge undertaking, so they can be added to another quilt.

This huge quilt exhibit is scheduled to be on tour starting in January 2011. I hope to see it at some point as it travels the country. I guess Ami will have information or a schedule posted on her blog or newsletter in the fall, or early winter.

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