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Zips, canvas & saggy leaders

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Just a couple of questions........

I've spent hours (& hours) today attaching my new zips purchased at MQX. It looked so simple in the instructions but proved to be very fiddly! Anyway its done now:)

I'm concerned that the sides of the zips may get tatty quite quickly, so do any of you attach canvas to the half of the zip that you pin the quilt onto?

I've also noticed that my leaders are very saggy in the centre (tighter at each end), is this normal or is there something I need to do to?

Still going through my MQX purchases & have some lovely books left to browse, just need the time........;)

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I attached grossgrain ribbon to my zippers and attach my quilt parts to that. That way when the ribbon wears out I can just replace it. This ribbon does not stretch and I've been using the same ribbon for more than 2 years so works wonderful. I would also suggest using a coloring system. 1 color used to attach the backer and 1 to attach the upper. Just helps keep it straight. Of course ordering a set of flip zippers is always wonderful because invariably I end up putting them on backwards!

As for the saggy leaders. I would zip the zipper of the backer bar to the take-up bar and roll back and forth stretching it out. That should help resolve the issue. I did go through re-squaring my leaders but that would mean re-doing your zippers. There was a thread by Tina Collins on how to square up your leaders. I did find that one end was off by 1/4".

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Thanks Heidi, the ribbon idea sounds brilliant & at least I'll be able to do it on my DSM! Haven't looked at flip zippers yet as I'm not doing customer quilts & at the moment don't have a great deal of time to practice.

I'll try the zipping & rolling but have realised one end of the take up leader does seem to be approx. 1/4" out. Must admit I've decided to ignore it at the moment! Hope I don't regret this.....

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I use an additional piece of canvas that I pin to instead of the ribbon (which is a super idea!!!). I did have one small bubble appear in my take-up leader - so zipped the take-up leader to the bottom backing leader, pulled almost tight & sprayed with a bit of Mary Ellen's starch alternative. Leaders are not nice and tight and square!!

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I let my leaders hang every night (or when I don't have a quilt on the frame). This seems to keep them more square (lets the ends hang out and so the middle isn't longer). Then every once in a while, I zip the backing and take up together and tighten and then the top and take up.

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When I first put mine on, I make sure all is very square when tight - so sags anywhere. The little bit of sag that did occur when first attaching - no matter how careful - that's where I used the Mary Ellen's - no steam - just the Mary Ellen's. That stuff did the trick. After that, will loosen each night just like Sheila - don't want to continue with undue stretch on the leaders. Starting square really helps over a period of time.

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I need to redo my leaders, they are way off - about half an inch - even after I zip together, dampen, and let dry tight. I'm still off on the right side. Dread having to take care of it but will eventually search for the thread and take on the nasty task.....

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Heidi, pics are worth a 1,000000000 words could you please post pics of the gross grain ribbon on your zips/leaders so we/I can see what you mean?

I currently don't have zippers but after my machine gets back from it's spa treatment I would like to replace my leaders and am seriously debating with myself if I should do the zips or not.

Thanks- :):)

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With my zippers, I attached the pick- up backing roller zipper to the front leader roller zipper by zipping them together, pin the assembly on the back leader nice and straight, roll out the leaders to a comfortable and workable length, pin the front leader to the front zipper( Quilt Back leader). Take up the slack, put on your lock,(Millie/ visegrip), and sew. It does a nice job. I had stretching problems and roll end bunching at first then I devised my L.A. Clips, they slow down the stretching making the leaders last longer and they prevent the bunching which also helps. In between jobs, even just for the night, I zip the leaders back together and apply good tension and if they've really distorted I'll steam iron them on the machine, not a cure but it evens them out better.The Quilt top roller is done in the same fashion but you have to pin the zippers together as they are opposite of what they should be. For the clips see our website. Happy sewing-----Dave B.

I'm going to have to try the ribbons next time--sounds like they help a lot!

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Originally posted by mrsbishwit

Heidi, pics are worth a 1,000000000 words could you please post pics of the gross grain ribbon on your zips/leaders so we/I can see what you mean?

I currently don't have zippers but after my machine gets back from it's spa treatment I would like to replace my leaders and am seriously debating with myself if I should do the zips or not.

Thanks- :):)

I've actually posted this picture before. Here is the link. http://www.apqs.com/quiltboard/viewthread.php?tid=17750&page=1#pid203819

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Here is a couple of photos with my zippers with Grossgrain ribbon.

I found a 40mm width which gives you a little bit more to pin too. Have not tried Heidi's stapling method yet.

Thank you Heidi as it was your post that guided me to the grossgrain ribbon. Though it has taken me about 8 months to actually add the zippers to my leaders:D


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The picture link that Heidi posted is a great link to zipper information. I was a big chicken when it came to applying zippers. My first longarm I bought the zippers and when I sold it I gave the new owners the zippers in the same package. This time I wanted to start out right. The link that Heidi gave you also includes how she uses staples. Just tried the staples for the first time and i have to say it is awesome.

I have one set of zippers that I attached grossgrain ribbon to and then for my second set I couldn't get enough grossgrain ribbon so I used 1 1/2" cotton twill tape. I think I like the twill tape even better. because it is cotton it seems to lie flatter and not wave like the grossgrain ribbon does. However, I am not sure if it will hold up as well as the gross grain ribbon will as the ribbon is polyester. I guess time will tell.

One thing that I did that made the zippers go on perfectly was I stapled the two leaders together then put on my channel locks and ran a perfectly straight parallel line of stitching along both the take up leader and the front backing leader about 1/2" or so from the edge of the leaders. I then folded the leaders back on the stitched line before attaching the zippers. Now when I zip the front backing leader to the take up leader they are perfectly square and there is no sagging anywhere.

It may be a pain but it is well worth it to have perfectly square leaders from the start.:)

Good luck,


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Ok I have another question (it's probably has already been asked in a previous thread topic, but I don't want to search)

Do you sew a zipper to all 3 leaders (quilt back, quilt top & take up)? Also is there a you tube video showing the step by step zipper application?

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Yes all 3 leaders get a zipper. Then you will attach the other side of the zipper to the back of your backing fabric on both ends and to bottom of your quilt. It really isn't bad once you get going. I highly recommend squaring your leaders before applying the zippers just as Lisa described. You will be much happier that you did.

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I did see a video not too long ago, it was not a you tube I will do a quick search and see if I can find the link.

It is not difficult just a little fiddly but if you get it done right from the beginning it prevents issues from developing;)


looks like there is a couple of videos.

This is the one that watched:


This is the you tube video (haven't seen it yet):

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I LOVE the zippers. So much easier to pin the quilt parts on while sitting at my table than it is standing and leaning - especially with a big heavy quilt. I didn't have any ribbon on hand and was anxious to try putting something on the zippers, so I used some straight cut french fold binding strips I had left over. They worked fine. I haven't actually used them yet, but they seem very sturdy and don't stretch.

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I have pinned right to the zippers for quite some time. Is there a reason I'd want to change this? I use large pins but it doesn't seem to harm the zipper at all. And I always make sure I have more than enough fabric on the backing to stay away from the zippers...... Always up for new things if they work better.

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