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Spray starch storage

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I've changed to the Mary Ellen's Best Press spray starch alternative for starch now. Nicer scent, doesn't attract bugs, comes in different scents and the you can re-fill the bottles. Not to mention that the bottles are so distinctly different that the chances of getting them mixed up in a quick grab are small.

Sorry to hear about your issue.

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.............And this is EXACTLY why Shana does NOT keep her Sharpie Markers or dry erase markers mixed in the same drawer with her blue water soluable and purple air erase pens...... And why Shana does not keep her "Sewer's Aid" and "Fray Check" bottles together in the same drawer... cuz sho nuff... Shana would be doing something stupid that Shana would later regret ...

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I have an old ultimate 1. Tonight my check spring broke for the first time. I had a spare in my tool box and I'm trying to replace it, but the tension is way too tight when I get the new one in place. Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? HELP!!! :(

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Hi and welcome!

This is an older post and may be overlooked by the person who can help you. Please re-post your request under a new topic titled "Help!"--maybe under "chat about anything" or "experts" and someone (Barb M?) will chime in to help you!

I don't have the answer but someone will.

Log in, click on "Chat about.." and then on the blue bar that says Topic. That will let you post a new thread. In the title space put "Help with check spring"

Drop down to the large space and write your request. Good luck!

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