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I am now BLISSFULL :) :) :)

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Last night my DH and I got my new 10 foot table with Bliss installed with my Lenni and all I can say is OMG, I AM IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is AMAZING!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D Like others have described, moving my Lenni now is like slicing through soft butter, no matter what direction or loop or swirl or any kind of shape I try to make. It is just smooth, smooth, smooth with no drag at all!!!

It was pretty funny because I loaded a practice sandwich so that I could play around to get the feel of it and at first I would find myself kind of stiffening up doing some movements because I was so used to Lenni resisting me with some moves so I was used to doing this when I quilted. When I realized that I didn't need to do that anymore I just started laughing!

If any of you Lenni people are wondering if it's worth the investment, that answer is YES, YES, YES!!! If anyone is in the area and wants to come over and try mine out so you can see how sweettttttttttttttt it is, just let me know! :D:D:D

I loved my Lenni before, but this is like a whole new love affair now! My poor husband is going to have a heck of a time getting me out of my studio! :cool: ;)

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Hey Marilyn! I am so glad you love love love your upgrade to Bliss!! I have a deposit on my new Bliss system for my Lenni, but won't get it until the end of May. I am so looking forward to getting Blissed! So happy for you!!

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Lucy needs to join you over at Marilyn's to see a Blissful Lenni also! You are all welcome back here too but I really want to feel the difference on Lenni. You could come back here and feel a Blissful Millie...I am giving Millie her makeover on Monday.

Marilyn: Are we scheduling another sit and sew and eat day for April? Preferable before field work starts. (2nd Saturday?) Need to have Madelyn and Sheryl join the group too.:)

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Kath, I'm glad that Bliss is on your "horizon" because you are going to love it! It unexpectedly worked out for me to be able to upgrade now because I got a big bonus check from my job and I mentioned to my DH that I would like to use it on upgrading to Bliss. :) And we were able to work it out to pick it up on our way home from visiting our son and family in Dallas, Tx, so everything just kind of fell in place.

Lucy, yes, we definitely need to schedule another sit-n-sew day at your studio! I can make either the 9th or the 16th of April work. Whatever works for you, we can work around. I can let Donna and Peggy know once we have a day figured out. That would be great if Madelyn and Sheryl want to join us too! And if anyone that wants to come over to my studio to check out my Blissed Lenni, we can do that too. Or if we want to do that on a separate day, that would be fine too. If it works better for Madelyn and Sheryl to come over to my studio on the 9th, that's fine with me. Everyone can just let me know what works for them. :D:D

Last night I was having so much fun quilting a large table topper! It was absolutely effortless using my rulers and stitching in the ditch, and doing CC's etc. Then I did some free handed hearts in the heart blocks and they turned out really good. But the thing that totally blew me away was how easy it was to do the clamshell background stitching in the big center block! I've never done it before on a "real quilt" because I couldn't keep my shells rounded enough on the tops, they would end up looking sort of squared off, but last night I decided to go for it and I am so happy with how it turned out. I will post a couple pictures of it when I get it done. I did some feathers in the outside top border last night too and they just kind of flowed.

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