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NQR Prayer request

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Don't know if I mentioned this here but our 19 (soon to be 20) year old grandson came to live with us from CA after he graduated from HS. He is bi-polar and after further testing here in IA we learned he has disgraphia (unable to write much more than his name with pen or pencil; Disgraphia = can't do simple math in his head, must use calculator; Difficulty recalling stored information from memory and is emotionally and physically delayed (just now hitting puberty).

He has been accepted into Vocational Rehab and just finished job evaluation with Goodwill. He has applied for 2 different jobs but it is hard to find things he can do. Please pray he can find some type of work. His room is right beside my quilting and sewing rooms and he plays x-box all day long and heavy metal music. He's intelligent, co-operative, good about taking his meds, helps outside on farm IF there is something to do. But at the age of 61 I really need some alone time. I've been on the farm all my life and with the exception of DH I am used to and like being ALONE a lot of the time.

Please pray he will find some work and soon! I'm trying so hard not to be short with him but as the stress goes up so does my patience. Thank goodness spring is coming and there will be more he can do outside. I'm asking everyone I know to be in prayer abou this.

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I would ask that he wear earphones when playing his music:o I have little tolerance for heavy metal and I don't think it is unfair to ask him to use a headset.

I am sorry it has taken so long to find out all of his medical problems. It probably has been equally hard on him not feeling like he "fits in" with the rest of his age group.

You are kind to take him in, but remember too that you need to take care of yourself and your DH, both mentally and physically.

I will pray he finds work soon!

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Guest Linda S

I love metal, but I can understand that it would really bug you if you didn't like it and it was loud when you were used to peace and quiet. If someone had a country music station turned up loud, I'd go out of my mind! ;) Goodwill is a great organization to work with people with delayed capabilities. I pray he will get a job with them and feel fulfilled in his life. Bless you for taking him in.


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Prayers are coming your way. You may also try earplugs for yourself. If your sewing machine or longarm is facing the door you would probably see people entering so you wouldn't be surprised. The earphones for him is an excellent suggestion.

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