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Triangle quilt

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She mentioned that the directions she followed recommended SID. Yikes! But she wasn't sure that would work. She will go with what I recommend. I'm just not sure what that will be yet.

She did mention that she would like to see the stitching and wondered about using white thread. I will definitely be talking her out of that.

I thought I might take a look at some of the line dancing ideas. It will be interesting to see if my sanity survives that. :-)

I'm thinking, too, of taking a grouping of the triangles and treat them as a unit somehow, maybe line dancing around those units. What do you think?

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Are you comfortable with continuous curves? How big are the triangles? CC is boring to do, but looks great as an overall. It's a great alternative to SID.

Perhaps as a color choice you could do a medium tone that contrasts with everything slightly--maybe a darkish golden color (kinda mustardy but darker?). Superior Thread has King Tut in a couple of varigated yellow/golds. Something like that puts a sunshiney tone on all of it. Just a thought. Have fun!

Linda Rech

Olympia, Wa

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The half-square triangles are 1 and 7/8 inch. What was I thinking?!? There is no room for something in the triangles. And when I look at the whole quilt I do not always see the secondary sort-of-diamond design. So......

I am going to do an all over design.

Some simple panto would be best.... or meander......

This is not the place to try freehanding feathers, is it?

LOL I probably wouldn't be able to see what I was doing anyway!!!

Thanks for all your help and support!

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Here's a pic of a triangle I did a few years back, very similar as to yours in color, etc. It's quilted with the Baptist Fan and looks great..enough quilting to give texture and interest but doesn't fight with the busy quilt.. Sorry the quilting didn't show up. The quilt is what you want to see first anyway.


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I have never done the Baptist Fan, but I want to. This would be a perfect quilt to hide the teeny tiny mistakes I might make. ;) LOL ....Oh I like this idea, too!!! Plus I just bought the templates to do the fan....or I could use my fence and learn something there, too.


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i was just looking on webshots for pics of the baptist fan to send to my friend/customer. I saw an example of it done on a patriotic quilt that is a lot like the QOV that I have to do.

I have got to take the plunge to learn how to use the fence for this. It is too cool. May I holler for help?

I do have Myrna's workbook.....just need to crack it open other than to browse. Snort!

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Thank you for the fan idea Hester. It looks marvelously simple how the geometric echo fan shapes contrast to the dominant triangles, two strong shapes harmonizing. Yea!

In Linda's photograph I can almost see a maze. What would happen if she stitched across the triangle cutting it in half horizontally and made paths all over the quilt? There was a quilt at AZ Quilt Show where the person had sewn down the center of a strip and it looked somewhat like two strips, increasing the visual complexity.


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Are you thinking diagonal lines at regular intervals?

There is a problem with this quilt is that somehow the light/dark thing got messed up as the rest of the quilt was put together. Consequently, the diamonds don't make it throughout the quilt. My friend realizes this but has no clue what went wrong.

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Thank you all so much for the compliments, I do love that quilt, but scrap quilts are my favorite..I was trying to use up a lot of small pieces so every tri was cut individually. I swear I ended up with more fabric than I started with..Go figure.

It was just quilted with a cream colored thread as I used muslin for the backing and appliqued on some left over triangles. Using the cream thread shows off the quilting pattern.


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I would use a thread that would make your stitching stand out like white or off white and use the Terry Twist design it goes really fast and looks so fancy when its done. Is done in one long swoop and goes really fast. And tons easier than 1/4 outlining them. Look at my Sept 2006 album in webshots and look at #48 is lady named Janet is a back view so you can see what the Terry Twist looks like on a solid piece of material. Hope this helps.


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Originally posted by 9patch

So, Hester,

Would you use a light thread on this quilt?

It seems to me that a white or cream thread would be too......obvious?

From the picture it looks like it has a lot of brownish tones and I might choose Superior Rainbow 829 which wouldn't be quite as contrasting or King Tut 991 very similar, just what's your preference in thread.


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Thanks so much for all your help!!!!

Boy...I just got home from helping a friend do last minute packing for a move. I am sooooooo glad I am not the one moving.

Hester.. I will check out the thread....I do like variegated!

qfairy...I love looking at your albums! Thanks for the help.

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Very nice quilts! I want to make one similar to what Hester did, color and

formation wise... and by the way......

Hester - the first thing I noticed when I looked at your photo - was the

tails of all of those beautiful RIBBONS hanging on your wall! Nice! Do you

have them going around the room? LOL!!

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