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Not getting ANY digests

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Since Dawn is addressing many of the technical issues at the present time she may be taking a small break from the Daily Digests.

In a small company staff can only achieve so much in the time they have.

We have this forum and that is the greatest place to share and learn.


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Hi Everyone,

I haven't forgotten you all, and you haven't been inadvertently left off the list:). You're right, the past few weeks with working on the new Big Bobbin and interchangeable feet, plus working at the Knoxville show took a toll on my ability to keep the daily newsletters coming.

But never fear, I'll get back to them quickly, and am glad that you enjoy receiving them. Sometimes when you write for "cyberspace" you do wonder if anyone is reading them:) If you have ideas of subjects you'd like to see addressed, please let me know. Sometimes writer's block hits me, too:).

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